Generated with CAS BACnet Explorer FYI #021 - BBMD warning BACnet IP Network: 0 - Local area network FYI #007 - Local area network device: 389001 (vHunterACC) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:15:27 2019 IP Address: MAC (hex): 00-50-4E-12-47-84 object_identifier: device (389001) object_type: device (0x8) vendor_identifier: Sierra Monitor Corp. (0x25) FYI #011 - Read object properties from profile. apdu_timeout: 10000 application_software_version: V6.49c (A) firmware_revision: V2.09i max_apdu_length_accepted: 1458 model_name: FS-QS-1220 number_of_apdu_retries: 3 object_name: vHunterACC protocol_services_supported: acknowledgeAlarm (0), confirmedCOVNotification (0), confirmedEventNotification (0), getAlarmSummary (0), getEnrollmentSummary (0), subscribeCOV (1), atomicReadFile (0), atomicWriteFile (0), add... Double-Click for more informationListElement (0), removeListElement (0), createObject (0), deleteObject (0), readProperty (1), readPropertyConditional (0), readPropertyMultiple (1), writeProperty (1), writePropertyMultiple (1), deviceCommunicationControl (1), confirmedPrivateTransfer (0), confirmedTextMessage (0), reinitializeDevice (1), vtOpen (0), vtClose (0), vtData (0), authenticate (0), requestKey (0), i_Am (0), i_Have (0), unconfirmedCOVNotification (0), unconfirmedEventNotification (0), unconfirmedPrivateTransfer (0), unconfirmedTextMessage (0), timeSynchronization (1), who_Has (1), who_Is (1), readRange (1), utcTimeSynchronization (0), lifeSafetyOperation (0), subscribeCOVProperty (0), getEventInformation (0), Not an ASHRAE defined value (0), protocol_version: 1 segmentation_supported: no_segmentation (0x3) system_status: operational (0x0) vendor_name: Sierra Monitor Corporation protocol_revision: 16 database_revision: 33 FYI #003 - Object index method is disabled. FYI #002 - Reading the object list from this device with object index method. binary_output: 0 (SetGlbl-Trigger Write) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:11 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (0) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: SetGlbl-Trigger Write present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 analog_output: 0 (SetGlbl-Hours) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (0) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-Hours present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Hour time of day. Range is 0 to 23 max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 1 (SetGlbl-Minutes) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (1) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-Minutes present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Minute of the hour. Range is 0 to 59 max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 2 (SetGlbl-Seconds) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (2) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-Seconds present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Second of the minute. Range is 0 to 59 max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 3 (SetGlbl-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (3) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-Month present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Calendar month. Range is 1 to 12. max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 4 (SetGlbl-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (4) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-Day present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Calendar date. Range is 1 to 31 max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 5 (SetGlbl-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (5) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-Year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Calendar year. Range is 2005 to 2099. max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 6 (SetGlbl-SysDChour) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (6) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-SysDChour present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Value of System Event Day-Change hour. max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 7 (SetGlbl-FcpDChour) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (7) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-FcpDChour present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Value of FCP Day-Change hour. Range is max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 8 (SetGlbl-options) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (8) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-options present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Sets up global options for the controll max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 9 (SetGlbl-curEtap) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (9) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-curEtap present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: ETAP day of schedule. Range is 1 to 3. max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 10 (SetGlbl-maxEtap) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (10) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-maxEtap present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: ETAP schedule length. Range is 1 to 3. max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 11 (SetGlbl-Response) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (11) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-Response present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Sets response level for reporting contr max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 12 (SetGlbl-ResponseInterval) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (12) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-ResponseInterval present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Sets Interval in seconds that command # max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 13 (SetGlbl-GlblSeasAdj) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (13) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-GlblSeasAdj present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Value of Global Seasonal Adjust. Valid max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 14 (SetGlbl-StackMode) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (14) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-StackMode present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: 0 - Stack or Overlap 1 - Smart Stack 2 max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 15 (SetGlbl-SsPrgThold) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (15) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-SsPrgThold present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Max. programs running before Smart Stac max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 16 (SetGlbl-SsgSsPrgThold) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (16) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlbl-SsgSsPrgThold present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Max. programs running before SSG / Smar max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 0 (ReportFldCtrlGlbls-Fwvers) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (0) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: ReportFldCtrlGlbls-Fwvers present_value: 511.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Integer value of firmware version times cov_increment: 0.000 binary_output: 24 (Mute-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:14 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (24) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: Mute-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to point to trigger command feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 25 (ResetMute-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:14 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (25) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: ResetMute-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to point to trigger command feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 26 (Report versions-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:14 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (26) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: Report versions-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to point to trigger command feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 2 (SetStationParams-Trigger Cmd) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:14 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (2) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: SetStationParams-Trigger Cmd present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 analog_output: 65 (SetStationParams-StationID) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (65) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetStationParams-StationID present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Station ID 0-98 (0 ? 239) max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 66 (SetStationParams-StationName) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (66) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetStationParams-StationName present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: The name consists of 12 valid ACC ASCII max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 78 (SetStationParams-PumpUsage) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (78) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetStationParams-PumpUsage present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Value containing information on the pum max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 79 (SetStationParams-CycleTime) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (79) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetStationParams-CycleTime present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Contains the maximum number of minutes max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 80 (SetStationParams-SoakTime) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (80) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetStationParams-SoakTime present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Contains the minimum soak time before a max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 81 (SetStationParams-LearnedFLow) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (81) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetStationParams-LearnedFLow present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Contain the learned flow value for the max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 82 (SetStationParams-MaxPercentOverflow) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (82) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetStationParams-MaxPercentOverflow present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Contains the percent overflow before tr max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 83 (SetStationParams-FlowDelay) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (83) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetStationParams-FlowDelay present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Contains the delay time in seconds befo max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 84 (SetStationParams-maxCurrent) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (84) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetStationParams-maxCurrent present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Maximum current allowed for station in max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 binary_output: 3 (SetStationParams-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:16 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (3) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: SetStationParams-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 analog_output: 29 (SetStationParams-StackMode) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (29) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetStationParams-StackMode present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Value indicating controller stack mode. max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 30 (SetStationParams-SSPrgThold) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (30) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetStationParams-SSPrgThold present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Max. programs running before Smart Stac max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 31 (SetStationParams-SSGSSPrgThold) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (31) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetStationParams-SSGSSPrgThold present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Max. programs running before SSG / Smar max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 binary_output: 4 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:17 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (4) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 analog_output: 32 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-Program) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (32) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-Program present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: This specifies the parent program to se max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 33 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-Mode) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (33) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-Mode present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Value specifying the operating mode of max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 34 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (34) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: start times for the program. Form is M max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 35 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (35) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: start times for the program. Form is M max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 36 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (36) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: start times for the program. Form is M max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 37 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (37) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: start times for the program. Form is M max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 38 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime5) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (38) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime5 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: start times for the program. Form is M max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 39 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime6) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (39) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime6 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: start times for the program. Form is M max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 40 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime7) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (40) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime7 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: start times for the program. Form is M max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 41 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime8) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (41) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime8 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: start times for the program. Form is M max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 42 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime9) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (42) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime9 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: start times for the program. Form is M max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 43 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime10) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (43) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-StartTime10 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: start times for the program. Form is M max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 44 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-SchedType) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (44) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-SchedType present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Byte value indicating the schedule type max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 45 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-Sched) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (45) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-Sched present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Sixteen bit value or bitmap depending u max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 46 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-IntLength) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (46) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-IntLength present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Byte value indicating the length of the max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 47 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-IntNextWater) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (47) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-IntNextWater present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Byte value indicating the number of day max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 48 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-SeasAdj) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (48) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-SeasAdj present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Current percentage for program. Range max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 49 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-NwwStart) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (49) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-NwwStart present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Start time for program No Water Window. max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 50 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-NwwEnd) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (50) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-NwwEnd present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: End time for program No Water Window. max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 51 (SetFldCtrlrHeader-StaDly) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (51) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetFldCtrlrHeader-StaDly present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Sixteen bit value containing the statio max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 binary_output: 5 (SetGlblSeasAdj-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:21 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (5) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: SetGlblSeasAdj-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 analog_output: 52 (SetGlblSeasAdj-GblSeasAdj) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (52) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: SetGlblSeasAdj-GblSeasAdj present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Current percentage for controller. The max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 binary_output: 6 (StopDeleteStn-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:21 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (6) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: StopDeleteStn-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 analog_output: 53 (StopDeleteStn-mode) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (53) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: StopDeleteStn-mode present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Always set to zero for now. max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 54 (StopDeleteStn-sta_id) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (54) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: StopDeleteStn-sta_id present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Station number to stop/delete. Valid n max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 binary_output: 7 (StopPrgm-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:22 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (7) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: StopPrgm-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 analog_output: 55 (StopPrgm-ProgNum) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (55) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: StopPrgm-ProgNum present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Program Number. Valid values are 0 to max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 56 (StopPrgm-ProgMode) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (56) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: StopPrgm-ProgMode present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Mode in which program is running. Vali max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 57 (StopPrgm-ClearStack) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (57) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: StopPrgm-ClearStack present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Boolean value indicating whether or not max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 binary_output: 8 (PurgeLog-Trigger Ctrller) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:23 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (8) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: PurgeLog-Trigger Ctrller present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 9 (PurgeLog-Trigger Stn) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:23 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (9) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: PurgeLog-Trigger Stn present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 10 (PurgeLog-Trigger Alm) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:23 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (10) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: PurgeLog-Trigger Alm present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 analog_output: 20 (StnParams-Station Number & Trigger) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (20) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: StnParams-Station Number & Trigger present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 43 (StnParams-Count (from response)) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (43) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: StnParams-Count (from response) present_value: 7.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Should be 1 to 7. If there are more tha cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 44 (StnParams-StationID) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (44) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: StnParams-StationID present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Station ID 0-98 (0 ? 239) cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 45 (StnParams-StationName) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (45) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: StnParams-StationName present_value: 83.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: The name consists of 12 valid ACC ASCII cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 57 (StnParams-PumpUsage) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (57) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: StnParams-PumpUsage present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Value containing information on the pum cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 58 (StnParams-CycleTime) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (58) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: StnParams-CycleTime present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Contains the maximum number of minutes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 59 (StnParams-SoakTime) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (59) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: StnParams-SoakTime present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Contains the minimum soak time before a cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 60 (StnParams-LearnedFLow) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (60) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: StnParams-LearnedFLow present_value: 61439.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Contain the learned flow value for the cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 61 (StnParams-MaxPercentOverflow) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (61) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: StnParams-MaxPercentOverflow present_value: 115.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Contains the percent overflow before tr cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 62 (StnParams-FlowDelay) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (62) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: StnParams-FlowDelay present_value: 50.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Contains the delay time in seconds befo cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 63 (StnParams-maxCurrent) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (63) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: StnParams-maxCurrent present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Maximum current allowed for station in cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 85 (FldCtrlrHeader-Trigger read with Prog) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (85) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: FldCtrlrHeader-Trigger read with Prog present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Program number and trigger max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 binary_output: 11 (StopIrrigation-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:25 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (11) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: StopIrrigation-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 12 (Progammable Off-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:25 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (12) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: Progammable Off-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 analog_output: 58 (Progammable Off-Days) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (58) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: Progammable Off-Days present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Number of days of no irrigation max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 binary_output: 13 (Progammable Off-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:25 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (13) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: Progammable Off-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 14 (CancelprogOff-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:26 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (14) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: CancelprogOff-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 15 (CancelSuspend-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:26 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (15) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: CancelSuspend-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 16 (StartManual-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:26 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (16) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: StartManual-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 analog_output: 59 (StartManual-Prog) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (59) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: StartManual-Prog present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: This specifies the parent program reque max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 60 (StartManual-StartPoint) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (60) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: StartManual-StartPoint present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Point in program at which to start. Ca max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 binary_output: 17 (SetSysEventMode-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:27 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (17) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: SetSysEventMode-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 18 (SetFCPmode-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:27 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (18) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: SetFCPmode-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 19 (ClearDisplay-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:27 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (19) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: ClearDisplay-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 20 (Pause-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:27 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (20) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: Pause-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 21 (CancelPause-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:27 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (21) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: CancelPause-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 binary_output: 22 (CancelPause-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:27 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (22) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: CancelPause-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 analog_output: 61 (CancelPause-Device) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (61) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: CancelPause-Device present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Device to start manually. Can specify max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 62 (CancelPause-RunTime) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (62) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: CancelPause-RunTime present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Run time for specified device. Range i max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 binary_output: 23 (StartCustomManual-Trigger Command) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:28 2019 object_identifier: binary_output (23) object_type: binary_output (0x4) object_name: StartCustomManual-Trigger Command present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0 description: Write to this point to trigger the comm feedback_value: 0 analog_output: 63 (StartCustomManual-ProgNum) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (63) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: StartCustomManual-ProgNum present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Custom Manual program number. Range is 0 to 3. Event max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 64 (StartCustomManual-Event) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (64) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: StartCustomManual-Event present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Event number to start at. Range is 0 to 49 max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 64 (RptStnsOn-TimeStamp) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (64) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: RptStnsOn-TimeStamp present_value: 17848.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Time that report was created (SAM) cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 65 (RptStnsOn-CurrentGPM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (65) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: RptStnsOn-CurrentGPM present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Current flow total (GPM). This value i cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 66 (RptStnsOn-StationSize) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (66) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: RptStnsOn-StationSize present_value: 99.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Station size of controller (1 to 99). cov_increment: 0.000 binary_input: 0 (RptStnsOn-Pump1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:29 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (0) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Pump1 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Running binary_input: 1 (RptStnsOn-Pump2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:29 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (1) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Pump2 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Running binary_input: 2 (RptStnsOn-Pump3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:29 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (2) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Pump3 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Running binary_input: 3 (RptStnsOn-Pump4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:29 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (3) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Pump4 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Running binary_input: 4 (RptStnsOn-bit 00: Station Size is Zer) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:30 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (4) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 00: Station Size is Zer present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 00: Station Size is Zero. binary_input: 5 (RptStnsOn-bit 01: Programmable Off A) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:30 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (5) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 01: Programmable Off A present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 01: Programmable Off Active binary_input: 6 (RptStnsOn-bit 02: All Data Reset) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:30 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (6) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 02: All Data Reset present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 02: All Data Reset binary_input: 7 (RptStnsOn-bit 03: Power Outage (Powe) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:30 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (7) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 03: Power Outage (Powe present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 03: Power Outage (Power Has Been Off). binary_input: 8 (RptStnsOn-bit 04: Flow Alarm.) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:30 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (8) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 04: Flow Alarm. present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 04: Flow Alarm. binary_input: 9 (RptStnsOn-bit 05: Sensor Alarm.) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:30 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (9) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 05: Sensor Alarm. present_value: 1 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 05: Sensor Alarm. binary_input: 10 (RptStnsOn-bit 06: ADM Overload.) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:30 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (10) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 06: ADM Overload. present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 06: ADM Overload. binary_input: 11 (RptStnsOn-bit 07: Decoder Failed.) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:31 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (11) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 07: Decoder Failed. present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 07: Decoder Failed. binary_input: 12 (RptStnsOn-bit 08: FCP Changed.) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:31 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (12) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 08: FCP Changed. present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 08: FCP Changed. binary_input: 13 (RptStnsOn-bit 09: SSG Programming Cha) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:31 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (13) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 09: SSG Programming Cha present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 09: SSG Programming Changed. binary_input: 14 (RptStnsOn-bit 10: Controller is Irrig) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:31 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (14) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 10: Controller is Irrig present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 10: Controller is Irrigating. binary_input: 15 (RptStnsOn-bit 11: Station/Pump Overl) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:31 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (15) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 11: Station/Pump Overl present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 11: Station/Pump Overload. binary_input: 16 (RptStnsOn-bit 12: Mute is Active.) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:31 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (16) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 12: Mute is Active. present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 12: Mute is Active. binary_input: 17 (RptStnsOn-bit 13: Controller Suspend ) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:31 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (17) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 13: Controller Suspend present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 13: Controller Suspend Mode Active. binary_input: 18 (RptStnsOn-bit 14: Controller Pause Mo) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:32 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (18) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 14: Controller Pause Mo present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 14: Controller Pause Mode is Active. binary_input: 19 (RptStnsOn-bit 15: A Program was Suspe) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:32 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (19) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 15: A Program was Suspe present_value: 1 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 15: A Program was Suspended. binary_input: 20 (RptStnsOn-bit 16: A Program was Pause) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:32 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (20) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 16: A Program was Pause present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 16: A Program was Paused. binary_input: 21 (RptStnsOn-bit 17: System Mode Active ) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:32 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (21) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 17: System Mode Active present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 17: System Mode Active (No FCP Starts). binary_input: 22 (RptStnsOn-bit 18: Staging Watering Qu) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:32 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (22) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 18: Staging Watering Qu present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 18: Staging Watering Queue is Full (25 stations max). binary_input: 23 (RptStnsOn-bit 19: PINs Have Been Rese) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:32 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (23) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 19: PINs Have Been Rese present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 19: PINs Have Been Reset. binary_input: 24 (RptStnsOn-bit 20: Dial in OFF Positio) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:33 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (24) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 20: Dial in OFF Positio present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 20: Dial in OFF Position binary_input: 25 (RptStnsOn-bit 21: Controller Program) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:33 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (25) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 21: Controller Program present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 21: Controller Program Overlap Option Changed binary_input: 26 (RptStnsOn-bit 22: Station Size Change) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:33 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (26) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 22: Station Size Change present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 22: Station Size Changed binary_input: 27 (RptStnsOn-bit 23: Time/Date Propertie) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:33 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (27) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 23: Time/Date Propertie present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 23: Time/Date Properties Changed (Time- Date- Format- Daylight Savings & Units of Measure) binary_input: 28 (RptStnsOn-bit 24: Custom Manual Progr) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:33 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (28) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 24: Custom Manual Progr present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 24: Custom Manual Programs Changed binary_input: 29 (RptStnsOn-bit 25: Pump Settings Chang) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:33 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (29) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 25: Pump Settings Chang present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 25: Pump Settings Changed (Station Assignments- Style- Location) binary_input: 30 (RptStnsOn-bit 26: Cycle & Soak Settin) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:33 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (30) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 26: Cycle & Soak Settin present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 26: Cycle & Soak Settings Changed binary_input: 31 (RptStnsOn-bit 27: Flow Properties Cha) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:34 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (31) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 27: Flow Properties Cha present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 27: Flow Properties Changed (Learned Flow- Limit %- Delay- Sensor Type- Sensor Location) binary_input: 32 (RptStnsOn-bit 28: Names Changed) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:34 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (32) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 28: Names Changed present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 28: Names Changed (Contact- Program- Station- SSG) binary_input: 33 (RptStnsOn-bit 29: Historical Data Res) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:34 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (33) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 29: Historical Data Res present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 29: Historical Data Reset (Flow Totals and/or Logs) binary_input: 34 (RptStnsOn-bit 30: Sensor Decoder Alar) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:34 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (34) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 30: Sensor Decoder Alar present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 30: Sensor Decoder Alarm Polling Status Changed binary_input: 35 (RptStnsOn-bit 31: Not Used) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:34 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (35) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 31: Not Used present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 31: Not Used binary_input: 36 (RptStnsOn-bit 32: ET Sensor Comm Faul) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:34 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (36) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 32: ET Sensor Comm Faul present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 32: ET Sensor Comm Fault binary_input: 37 (RptStnsOn-bit 33: RTC Fault) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:34 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (37) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-bit 33: RTC Fault present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 33: RTC Fault binary_input: 38 (RptStnsOn-Bit 34:Reserved for future) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:35 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (38) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Bit 34:Reserved for future present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Bit 34:Reserved for future binary_input: 39 (RptStnsOn-Bit 34:Reserved for future) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:35 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (39) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Bit 34:Reserved for future present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Bit 34:Reserved for future binary_input: 40 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 35) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:35 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (40) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 35 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 35 binary_input: 41 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 36) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:35 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (41) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 36 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 36 binary_input: 42 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 37) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:35 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (42) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 37 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 37 binary_input: 43 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 38) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:35 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (43) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 38 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 38 binary_input: 44 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 39) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:35 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (44) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 39 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 39 binary_input: 45 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 40) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:36 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (45) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 40 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 40 binary_input: 46 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 41) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:36 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (46) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 41 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 41 binary_input: 47 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 42) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:36 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (47) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 42 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 42 binary_input: 48 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 43) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:36 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (48) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 43 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 43 binary_input: 49 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 44) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:36 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (49) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 44 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 44 binary_input: 50 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 45) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:36 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (50) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 45 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 45 binary_input: 51 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 46) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:37 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (51) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 46 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 46 binary_input: 52 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 47) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:37 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (52) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 47 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 47 binary_input: 53 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 48) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:37 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (53) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 48 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 48 binary_input: 54 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 49) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:37 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (54) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 49 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 49 binary_input: 55 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 50) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:37 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (55) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 50 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 50 binary_input: 56 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 51) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:37 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (56) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 51 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 51 binary_input: 57 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 52) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:37 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (57) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 52 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 52 binary_input: 58 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 53) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:38 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (58) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 53 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 53 binary_input: 59 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 54) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:38 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (59) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 54 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 54 binary_input: 60 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 55) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:38 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (60) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 55 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 55 binary_input: 61 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 56) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:38 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (61) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 56 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 56 binary_input: 62 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 57) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:38 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (62) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 57 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 57 binary_input: 63 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 58) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:38 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (63) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 58 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 58 binary_input: 64 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 59) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:38 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (64) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 59 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 59 binary_input: 65 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 60) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:39 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (65) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 60 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 60 binary_input: 66 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 61) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:39 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (66) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 61 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 61 binary_input: 67 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 62) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:39 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (67) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 62 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 62 binary_input: 68 (RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 63) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:39 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (68) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Reserved for future Bit 63 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Reserved for future Bit 63 binary_input: 69 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:39 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (69) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 1 present_value: 1 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 1 binary_input: 70 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:39 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (70) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 2 present_value: 1 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 2 binary_input: 71 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:40 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (71) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 3 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 3 binary_input: 72 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:40 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (72) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 4 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 4 binary_input: 73 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 5) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:40 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (73) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 5 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 5 binary_input: 74 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 6) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:40 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (74) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 6 present_value: 1 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 6 binary_input: 75 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 7) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:40 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (75) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 7 present_value: 1 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 7 binary_input: 76 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 8) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:40 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (76) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 8 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 8 binary_input: 77 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 9) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:40 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (77) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 9 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 9 binary_input: 78 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 10) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:41 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (78) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 10 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 10 binary_input: 79 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 11) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:41 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (79) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 11 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 11 binary_input: 80 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 12) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:41 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (80) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 12 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 12 binary_input: 81 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 13) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:41 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (81) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 13 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 13 binary_input: 82 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 14) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:41 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (82) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 14 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 14 binary_input: 83 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 15) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:41 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (83) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 15 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 15 binary_input: 84 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 16) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:41 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (84) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 16 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 16 binary_input: 85 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 17) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:42 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (85) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 17 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 17 binary_input: 86 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 18) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:42 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (86) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 18 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 18 binary_input: 87 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 19) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:42 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (87) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 19 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 19 binary_input: 88 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 20) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:42 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (88) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 20 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 20 binary_input: 89 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 21) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:42 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (89) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 21 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 21 binary_input: 90 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 22) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:42 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (90) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 22 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 22 binary_input: 91 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 23) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:42 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (91) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 23 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 23 binary_input: 92 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 24) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:43 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (92) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 24 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 24 binary_input: 93 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 25) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:43 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (93) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 25 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 25 binary_input: 94 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 26) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:43 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (94) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 26 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 26 binary_input: 95 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 27) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:43 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (95) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 27 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 27 binary_input: 96 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 28) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:43 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (96) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 28 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 28 binary_input: 97 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 29) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:43 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (97) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 29 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 29 binary_input: 98 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 30) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:43 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (98) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 30 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 30 binary_input: 99 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 31) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:44 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (99) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 31 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 31 binary_input: 100 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 32) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:44 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (100) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 32 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 32 binary_input: 101 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 33) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:44 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (101) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 33 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 33 binary_input: 102 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 34) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:44 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (102) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 34 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 34 binary_input: 103 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 35) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:44 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (103) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 35 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 35 binary_input: 104 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 36) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:44 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (104) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 36 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 36 binary_input: 105 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 37) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:44 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (105) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 37 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 37 binary_input: 106 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 38) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:45 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (106) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 38 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 38 binary_input: 107 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 39) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:45 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (107) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 39 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 39 binary_input: 108 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 40) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:45 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (108) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 40 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 40 binary_input: 109 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 41) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:45 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (109) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 41 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 41 binary_input: 110 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 42) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:45 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (110) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 42 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 42 binary_input: 111 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 43) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:45 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (111) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 43 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 43 binary_input: 112 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 44) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:46 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (112) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 44 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 44 binary_input: 113 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 45) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:46 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (113) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 45 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 45 binary_input: 114 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 46) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:46 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (114) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 46 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 46 binary_input: 115 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 47) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:46 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (115) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 47 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 47 binary_input: 116 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 48) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:46 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (116) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 48 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 48 binary_input: 117 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 49) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:46 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (117) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 49 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 49 binary_input: 118 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 50) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:46 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (118) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 50 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 50 binary_input: 119 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 51) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:47 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (119) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 51 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 51 binary_input: 120 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 52) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:47 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (120) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 52 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 52 binary_input: 121 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 53) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:47 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (121) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 53 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 53 binary_input: 122 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 54) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:47 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (122) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 54 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 54 binary_input: 123 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 55) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:47 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (123) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 55 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 55 binary_input: 124 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 56) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:47 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (124) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 56 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 56 binary_input: 125 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 57) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:47 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (125) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 57 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 57 binary_input: 126 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 58) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:48 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (126) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 58 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 58 binary_input: 127 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 59) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:48 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (127) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 59 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 59 binary_input: 128 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 60) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:48 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (128) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 60 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 60 binary_input: 129 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 61) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:48 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (129) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 61 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 61 binary_input: 130 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 62) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:48 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (130) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 62 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 62 binary_input: 131 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 63) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:48 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (131) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 63 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 63 binary_input: 132 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 64) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:49 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (132) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 64 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 64 binary_input: 133 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 65) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:49 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (133) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 65 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 65 binary_input: 134 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 66) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:49 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (134) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 66 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 66 binary_input: 135 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 67) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:49 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (135) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 67 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 67 binary_input: 136 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 68) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:49 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (136) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 68 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 68 binary_input: 137 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 69) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:49 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (137) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 69 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 69 binary_input: 138 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 70) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:49 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (138) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 70 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 70 binary_input: 139 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 71) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:50 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (139) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 71 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 71 binary_input: 140 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 72) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:50 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (140) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 72 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 72 binary_input: 141 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 73) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:50 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (141) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 73 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 73 binary_input: 142 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 74) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:50 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (142) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 74 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 74 binary_input: 143 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 75) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:50 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (143) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 75 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 75 binary_input: 144 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 76) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:50 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (144) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 76 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 76 binary_input: 145 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 77) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:51 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (145) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 77 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 77 binary_input: 146 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 78) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:51 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (146) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 78 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 78 binary_input: 147 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 79) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:51 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (147) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 79 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 79 binary_input: 148 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 80) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:51 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (148) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 80 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 80 binary_input: 149 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 81) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:51 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (149) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 81 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 81 binary_input: 150 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 82) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:51 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (150) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 82 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 82 binary_input: 151 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 83) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:51 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (151) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 83 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 83 binary_input: 152 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 84) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:52 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (152) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 84 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 84 binary_input: 153 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 85) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:52 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (153) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 85 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 85 binary_input: 154 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 86) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:52 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (154) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 86 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 86 binary_input: 155 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 87) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:52 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (155) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 87 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 87 binary_input: 156 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 88) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:52 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (156) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 88 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 88 binary_input: 157 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 89) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:52 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (157) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 89 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 89 binary_input: 158 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 90) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:52 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (158) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 90 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 90 binary_input: 159 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 91) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:53 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (159) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 91 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 91 binary_input: 160 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 92) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:53 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (160) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 92 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 92 binary_input: 161 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 93) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:53 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (161) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 93 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 93 binary_input: 162 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 94) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:53 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (162) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 94 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 94 binary_input: 163 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 95) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:53 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (163) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 95 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 95 binary_input: 164 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 96) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:53 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (164) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 96 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 96 binary_input: 165 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 97) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:53 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (165) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 97 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 97 binary_input: 166 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 98) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:54 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (166) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 98 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 98 binary_input: 167 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 99) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:54 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (167) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 99 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 99 binary_input: 168 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 100) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:54 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (168) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 100 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 100 binary_input: 169 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 101) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:54 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (169) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 101 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 101 binary_input: 170 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 102) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:54 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (170) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 102 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 102 binary_input: 171 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 103) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:54 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (171) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 103 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 103 binary_input: 172 (RptStnsOn-Active Station 104) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:54 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (172) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: RptStnsOn-Active Station 104 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Active Station 104 binary_input: 173 (ReportAlm-bit 00: Station Size is Zer) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:55 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (173) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 00: Station Size is Zer present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 00: Station Size is Zero. binary_input: 174 (ReportAlm-bit 01: Programmable Off A) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:55 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (174) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 01: Programmable Off A present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 01: Programmable Off Active binary_input: 175 (ReportAlm-bit 02: All Data Reset) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:55 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (175) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 02: All Data Reset present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 02: All Data Reset binary_input: 176 (ReportAlm-bit 03: Power Outage (Powe) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:55 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (176) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 03: Power Outage (Powe present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 03: Power Outage (Power Has Been Off). binary_input: 177 (ReportAlm-bit 04: Flow Alarm.) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:55 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (177) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 04: Flow Alarm. present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 04: Flow Alarm. binary_input: 178 (ReportAlm-bit 05: Sensor Alarm.) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:55 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (178) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 05: Sensor Alarm. present_value: 1 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 05: Sensor Alarm. binary_input: 179 (ReportAlm-bit 06: ADM Overload.) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:56 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (179) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 06: ADM Overload. present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 06: ADM Overload. binary_input: 180 (ReportAlm-bit 07: Decoder Failed.) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:56 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (180) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 07: Decoder Failed. present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 07: Decoder Failed. binary_input: 181 (ReportAlm-bit 08: FCP Changed.) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:56 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (181) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 08: FCP Changed. present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 08: FCP Changed. binary_input: 182 (ReportAlm-bit 09: SSG Programming Cha) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:56 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (182) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 09: SSG Programming Cha present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 09: SSG Programming Changed. binary_input: 183 (ReportAlm-bit 10: Controller is Irrig) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:56 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (183) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 10: Controller is Irrig present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 10: Controller is Irrigating. binary_input: 184 (ReportAlm-bit 11: Station/Pump Overl) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:56 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (184) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 11: Station/Pump Overl present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 11: Station/Pump Overload. binary_input: 185 (ReportAlm-bit 12: Mute is Active.) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:56 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (185) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 12: Mute is Active. present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 12: Mute is Active. binary_input: 186 (ReportAlm-bit 13: Controller Suspend ) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:57 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (186) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 13: Controller Suspend present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 13: Controller Suspend Mode Active. binary_input: 187 (ReportAlm-bit 14: Controller Pause Mo) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:57 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (187) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 14: Controller Pause Mo present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 14: Controller Pause Mode is Active. binary_input: 188 (ReportAlm-bit 15: A Program was Suspe) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:57 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (188) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 15: A Program was Suspe present_value: 1 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 15: A Program was Suspended. binary_input: 189 (ReportAlm-bit 16: A Program was Pause) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:57 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (189) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 16: A Program was Pause present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 16: A Program was Paused. binary_input: 190 (ReportAlm-bit 17: System Mode Active ) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:57 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (190) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 17: System Mode Active present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 17: System Mode Active (No FCP Starts). binary_input: 191 (ReportAlm-bit 18: Staging Watering Qu) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:57 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (191) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 18: Staging Watering Qu present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 18: Staging Watering Queue is Full (25 stations max). binary_input: 192 (ReportAlm-bit 19: PINs Have Been Rese) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:58 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (192) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 19: PINs Have Been Rese present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 19: PINs Have Been Reset. binary_input: 193 (ReportAlm-bit 20: Dial in OFF Positio) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:58 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (193) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 20: Dial in OFF Positio present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 20: Dial in OFF Position binary_input: 194 (ReportAlm-bit 21: Controller Program) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:58 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (194) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 21: Controller Program present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 21: Controller Program Overlap Option Changed binary_input: 195 (ReportAlm-bit 22: Station Size Change) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:58 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (195) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 22: Station Size Change present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 22: Station Size Changed binary_input: 196 (ReportAlm-bit 23: Time/Date Propertie) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:58 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (196) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 23: Time/Date Propertie present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 23: Time/Date Properties Changed (Time- Date- Format- Daylight Savings & Units of Measure) binary_input: 197 (ReportAlm-bit 24: Custom Manual Progr) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:58 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (197) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 24: Custom Manual Progr present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 24: Custom Manual Programs Changed binary_input: 198 (ReportAlm-bit 25: Pump Settings Chang) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:58 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (198) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 25: Pump Settings Chang present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 25: Pump Settings Changed (Station Assignments- Style- Location) binary_input: 199 (ReportAlm-bit 26: Cycle & Soak Settin) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:59 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (199) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 26: Cycle & Soak Settin present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 26: Cycle & Soak Settings Changed binary_input: 200 (ReportAlm-bit 27: Flow Properties Cha) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:59 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (200) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 27: Flow Properties Cha present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 27: Flow Properties Changed (Learned Flow- Limit %- Delay- Sensor Type- Sensor Location) binary_input: 201 (ReportAlm-bit 28: Names Changed) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:59 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (201) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 28: Names Changed present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 28: Names Changed (Contact- Program- Station- SSG) binary_input: 202 (ReportAlm-bit 29: Historical Data Res) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:59 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (202) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 29: Historical Data Res present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 29: Historical Data Reset (Flow Totals and/or Logs) binary_input: 203 (ReportAlm-bit 30: Sensor Decoder Alar) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:59 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (203) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 30: Sensor Decoder Alar present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 30: Sensor Decoder Alarm Polling Status Changed binary_input: 204 (ReportAlm-bit 31: Not Used) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:16:59 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (204) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 31: Not Used present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 31: Not Used binary_input: 205 (ReportAlm-bit 32: ET Sensor Comm Faul) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:00 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (205) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 32: ET Sensor Comm Faul present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 32: ET Sensor Comm Fault binary_input: 206 (ReportAlm-bit 33: RTC Fault) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:00 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (206) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-bit 33: RTC Fault present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: bit 33: RTC Fault binary_input: 207 (ReportAlm-Future use - Bit 33) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:00 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (207) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use - Bit 33 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 208 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:00 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (208) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 209 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:00 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (209) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 210 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:00 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (210) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 211 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:00 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (211) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 212 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:01 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (212) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 213 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:01 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (213) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 214 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:01 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (214) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 215 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:01 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (215) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 216 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:01 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (216) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 217 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:01 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (217) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 218 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:01 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (218) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 219 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:02 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (219) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 220 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:02 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (220) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 221 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:02 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (221) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 222 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:02 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (222) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 223 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:02 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (223) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 224 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:02 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (224) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 225 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:03 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (225) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 226 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:03 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (226) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 227 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:03 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (227) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 228 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:03 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (228) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 229 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:03 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (229) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 230 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:03 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (230) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 231 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:03 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (231) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 232 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:04 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (232) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 233 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:04 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (233) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 234 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:04 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (234) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 235 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:04 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (235) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 236 (ReportAlm-Future use) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:04 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (236) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description binary_input: 237 (ReportAlm-Future use Bit 64) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:04 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (237) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: ReportAlm-Future use Bit 64 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: No description analog_input: 1122 (Controller Log-Rec 1-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1122) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 1-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 - 8-Bit value for month ? Range i cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1123 (Controller Log-Rec 1-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1123) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 1-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -8-Bit value for date ? Range is cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1124 (Controller Log-Rec 1-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1124) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 1-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -8-Bit value for year ? Range is cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1125 (Controller Log-Rec 1-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1125) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 1-SAM present_value: 47366.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -24-Bit value for seconds after m cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1126 (Controller Log-Rec 1-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1126) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 1-idiom present_value: 43.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -8-Bit value containing descripto cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1127 (Controller Log-Rec 1-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1127) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 1-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -8-Bit value containing reason fo cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1128 (Controller Log-Rec 1-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1128) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 1-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -16-Bit value containing informat cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1129 (Controller Log-Rec 1-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1129) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 1-Field3 present_value: 7082.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -16-Bit value containing various cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1130 (Controller Log-Rec 1-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1130) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 1-Field4 present_value: 863.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -16-Bit bitmapped value containin cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1131 (Controller Log-Rec 2-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1131) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 2-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1132 (Controller Log-Rec 2-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1132) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 2-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1133 (Controller Log-Rec 2-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1133) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 2-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1134 (Controller Log-Rec 2-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1134) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 2-SAM present_value: 53456.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1135 (Controller Log-Rec 2-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1135) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 2-idiom present_value: 23.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1136 (Controller Log-Rec 2-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1136) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 2-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1137 (Controller Log-Rec 2-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1137) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 2-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1138 (Controller Log-Rec 2-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1138) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 2-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1139 (Controller Log-Rec 2-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1139) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 2-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1140 (Controller Log-Rec 3-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1140) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 3-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1141 (Controller Log-Rec 3-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1141) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 3-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1142 (Controller Log-Rec 3-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1142) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 3-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1143 (Controller Log-Rec 3-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1143) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 3-SAM present_value: 53491.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1144 (Controller Log-Rec 3-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1144) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 3-idiom present_value: 9.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1145 (Controller Log-Rec 3-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1145) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 3-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1146 (Controller Log-Rec 3-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1146) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 3-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1147 (Controller Log-Rec 3-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1147) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 3-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1148 (Controller Log-Rec 3-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1148) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 3-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1149 (Controller Log-Rec 4-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1149) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 4-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1150 (Controller Log-Rec 4-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1150) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 4-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1151 (Controller Log-Rec 4-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1151) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 4-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1152 (Controller Log-Rec 4-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1152) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 4-SAM present_value: 53504.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1153 (Controller Log-Rec 4-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1153) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 4-idiom present_value: 12.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1154 (Controller Log-Rec 4-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1154) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 4-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1155 (Controller Log-Rec 4-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1155) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 4-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1156 (Controller Log-Rec 4-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1156) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 4-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1157 (Controller Log-Rec 4-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1157) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 4-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1158 (Controller Log-Rec 5-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1158) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 5-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1159 (Controller Log-Rec 5-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1159) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 5-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1160 (Controller Log-Rec 5-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1160) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 5-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1161 (Controller Log-Rec 5-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1161) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 5-SAM present_value: 53578.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1162 (Controller Log-Rec 5-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1162) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 5-idiom present_value: 13.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1163 (Controller Log-Rec 5-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1163) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 5-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1164 (Controller Log-Rec 5-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1164) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 5-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1165 (Controller Log-Rec 5-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1165) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 5-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1166 (Controller Log-Rec 5-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1166) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 5-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1167 (Controller Log-Rec 6-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1167) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 6-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1168 (Controller Log-Rec 6-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1168) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 6-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1169 (Controller Log-Rec 6-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1169) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 6-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1170 (Controller Log-Rec 6-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1170) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 6-SAM present_value: 54334.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1171 (Controller Log-Rec 6-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1171) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 6-idiom present_value: 30.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1172 (Controller Log-Rec 6-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1172) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 6-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1173 (Controller Log-Rec 6-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1173) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 6-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1174 (Controller Log-Rec 6-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1174) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 6-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1175 (Controller Log-Rec 6-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1175) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 6-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1176 (Controller Log-Rec 7-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1176) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 7-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1177 (Controller Log-Rec 7-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1177) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 7-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1178 (Controller Log-Rec 7-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1178) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 7-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1179 (Controller Log-Rec 7-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1179) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 7-SAM present_value: 54344.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1180 (Controller Log-Rec 7-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1180) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 7-idiom present_value: 29.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1181 (Controller Log-Rec 7-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1181) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 7-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1182 (Controller Log-Rec 7-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1182) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 7-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1183 (Controller Log-Rec 7-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1183) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 7-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1184 (Controller Log-Rec 7-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1184) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 7-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1185 (Controller Log-Rec 8-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1185) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 8-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1186 (Controller Log-Rec 8-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1186) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 8-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1187 (Controller Log-Rec 8-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1187) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 8-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1188 (Controller Log-Rec 8-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1188) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 8-SAM present_value: 54365.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1189 (Controller Log-Rec 8-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1189) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 8-idiom present_value: 10.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1190 (Controller Log-Rec 8-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1190) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 8-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1191 (Controller Log-Rec 8-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1191) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 8-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1192 (Controller Log-Rec 8-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1192) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 8-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1193 (Controller Log-Rec 8-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1193) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 8-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1194 (Controller Log-Rec 9-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1194) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 9-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1195 (Controller Log-Rec 9-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1195) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 9-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1196 (Controller Log-Rec 9-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1196) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 9-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1197 (Controller Log-Rec 9-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1197) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 9-SAM present_value: 54375.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1198 (Controller Log-Rec 9-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1198) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 9-idiom present_value: 11.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1199 (Controller Log-Rec 9-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1199) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 9-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1200 (Controller Log-Rec 9-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1200) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 9-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1201 (Controller Log-Rec 9-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1201) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 9-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1202 (Controller Log-Rec 9-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1202) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 9-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1203 (Controller Log-Rec 10-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1203) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 10-Month present_value: 7.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1204 (Controller Log-Rec 10-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1204) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 10-Day present_value: 31.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1205 (Controller Log-Rec 10-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1205) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 10-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1206 (Controller Log-Rec 10-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1206) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 10-SAM present_value: 46934.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1207 (Controller Log-Rec 10-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1207) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 10-idiom present_value: 42.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1208 (Controller Log-Rec 10-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1208) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 10-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1209 (Controller Log-Rec 10-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1209) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 10-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1210 (Controller Log-Rec 10-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1210) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 10-Field3 present_value: 7152.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1211 (Controller Log-Rec 10-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1211) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 10-Field4 present_value: 781.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1212 (Controller Log-Rec 11-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1212) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 11-Month present_value: 8.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1213 (Controller Log-Rec 11-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1213) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 11-Day present_value: 9.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1214 (Controller Log-Rec 11-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1214) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 11-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1215 (Controller Log-Rec 11-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1215) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 11-SAM present_value: 38958.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1216 (Controller Log-Rec 11-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1216) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 11-idiom present_value: 2.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1217 (Controller Log-Rec 11-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1217) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 11-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1218 (Controller Log-Rec 11-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1218) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 11-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1219 (Controller Log-Rec 11-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1219) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 11-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1220 (Controller Log-Rec 11-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1220) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 11-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1221 (Controller Log-Rec 12-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1221) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 12-Month present_value: 8.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1222 (Controller Log-Rec 12-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1222) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 12-Day present_value: 9.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1223 (Controller Log-Rec 12-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1223) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 12-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1224 (Controller Log-Rec 12-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1224) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 12-SAM present_value: 40033.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1225 (Controller Log-Rec 12-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1225) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 12-idiom present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1226 (Controller Log-Rec 12-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1226) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 12-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1227 (Controller Log-Rec 12-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1227) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 12-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1228 (Controller Log-Rec 12-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1228) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 12-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1229 (Controller Log-Rec 12-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1229) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 12-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1230 (Controller Log-Rec 13-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1230) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 13-Month present_value: 8.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1231 (Controller Log-Rec 13-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1231) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 13-Day present_value: 9.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1232 (Controller Log-Rec 13-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1232) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 13-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1233 (Controller Log-Rec 13-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1233) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 13-SAM present_value: 41162.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1234 (Controller Log-Rec 13-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1234) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 13-idiom present_value: 42.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1235 (Controller Log-Rec 13-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1235) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 13-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1236 (Controller Log-Rec 13-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1236) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 13-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1237 (Controller Log-Rec 13-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1237) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 13-Field3 present_value: 7161.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1238 (Controller Log-Rec 13-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1238) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 13-Field4 present_value: 685.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1239 (Controller Log-Rec 14-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1239) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 14-Month present_value: 8.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1240 (Controller Log-Rec 14-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1240) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 14-Day present_value: 9.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1241 (Controller Log-Rec 14-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1241) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 14-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1242 (Controller Log-Rec 14-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1242) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 14-SAM present_value: 49621.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1243 (Controller Log-Rec 14-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1243) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 14-idiom present_value: 10.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1244 (Controller Log-Rec 14-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1244) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 14-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1245 (Controller Log-Rec 14-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1245) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 14-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1246 (Controller Log-Rec 14-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1246) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 14-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1247 (Controller Log-Rec 14-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1247) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 14-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1248 (Controller Log-Rec 15-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1248) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 15-Month present_value: 8.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1249 (Controller Log-Rec 15-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1249) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 15-Day present_value: 9.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1250 (Controller Log-Rec 15-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1250) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 15-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1251 (Controller Log-Rec 15-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1251) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 15-SAM present_value: 49671.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1252 (Controller Log-Rec 15-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1252) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 15-idiom present_value: 10.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1253 (Controller Log-Rec 15-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1253) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 15-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1254 (Controller Log-Rec 15-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1254) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 15-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1255 (Controller Log-Rec 15-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1255) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 15-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1256 (Controller Log-Rec 15-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1256) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 15-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1257 (Controller Log-Rec 16-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1257) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 16-Month present_value: 8.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1258 (Controller Log-Rec 16-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1258) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 16-Day present_value: 9.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1259 (Controller Log-Rec 16-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1259) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 16-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1260 (Controller Log-Rec 16-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1260) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 16-SAM present_value: 49681.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1261 (Controller Log-Rec 16-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1261) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 16-idiom present_value: 10.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1262 (Controller Log-Rec 16-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1262) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 16-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1263 (Controller Log-Rec 16-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1263) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 16-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1264 (Controller Log-Rec 16-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1264) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 16-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1265 (Controller Log-Rec 16-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1265) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Controller Log-Rec 16-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1266 (Station Log-Rec 1-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1266) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 1-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 - 8-Bit value for month ? Range i cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1267 (Station Log-Rec 1-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1267) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 1-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -8-Bit value for date ? Range is cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1268 (Station Log-Rec 1-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1268) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 1-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -8-Bit value for year ? Range is cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1269 (Station Log-Rec 1-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1269) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 1-SAM present_value: 54264.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -24-Bit value for seconds after m cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1270 (Station Log-Rec 1-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1270) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 1-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -8-Bit value containing descripto cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1271 (Station Log-Rec 1-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1271) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 1-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -8-Bit value containing reason fo cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1272 (Station Log-Rec 1-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1272) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 1-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -16-Bit value containing informat cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1273 (Station Log-Rec 1-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1273) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 1-Field3 present_value: 64.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -16-Bit value containing various cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1274 (Station Log-Rec 1-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1274) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 1-Field4 present_value: 97.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -16-Bit bitmapped value containin cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1275 (Station Log-Rec 2-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1275) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 2-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1276 (Station Log-Rec 2-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1276) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 2-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1277 (Station Log-Rec 2-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1277) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 2-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1278 (Station Log-Rec 2-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1278) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 2-SAM present_value: 54365.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1279 (Station Log-Rec 2-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1279) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 2-idiom present_value: 7.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1280 (Station Log-Rec 2-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1280) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 2-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1281 (Station Log-Rec 2-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1281) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 2-Field2 present_value: 1.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1282 (Station Log-Rec 2-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1282) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 2-Field3 present_value: 101.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1283 (Station Log-Rec 2-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1283) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 2-Field4 present_value: 97.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1284 (Station Log-Rec 3-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1284) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 3-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1285 (Station Log-Rec 3-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1285) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 3-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1286 (Station Log-Rec 3-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1286) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 3-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1287 (Station Log-Rec 3-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1287) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 3-SAM present_value: 54375.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1288 (Station Log-Rec 3-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1288) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 3-idiom present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1289 (Station Log-Rec 3-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1289) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 3-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1290 (Station Log-Rec 3-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1290) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 3-Field2 present_value: 1.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1291 (Station Log-Rec 3-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1291) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 3-Field3 present_value: 10.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1292 (Station Log-Rec 3-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1292) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 3-Field4 present_value: 97.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1293 (Station Log-Rec 4-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1293) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 4-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1294 (Station Log-Rec 4-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1294) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 4-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1295 (Station Log-Rec 4-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1295) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 4-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1296 (Station Log-Rec 4-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1296) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 4-SAM present_value: 54403.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1297 (Station Log-Rec 4-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1297) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 4-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1298 (Station Log-Rec 4-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1298) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 4-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1299 (Station Log-Rec 4-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1299) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 4-Field2 present_value: 1.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1300 (Station Log-Rec 4-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1300) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 4-Field3 present_value: 28.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1301 (Station Log-Rec 4-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1301) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 4-Field4 present_value: 97.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1302 (Station Log-Rec 5-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1302) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 5-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1303 (Station Log-Rec 5-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1303) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 5-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1304 (Station Log-Rec 5-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1304) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 5-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1305 (Station Log-Rec 5-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1305) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 5-SAM present_value: 54648.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1306 (Station Log-Rec 5-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1306) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 5-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1307 (Station Log-Rec 5-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1307) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 5-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1308 (Station Log-Rec 5-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1308) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 5-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1309 (Station Log-Rec 5-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1309) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 5-Field3 present_value: 1.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1310 (Station Log-Rec 5-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1310) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 5-Field4 present_value: 160.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1311 (Station Log-Rec 6-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1311) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 6-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1312 (Station Log-Rec 6-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1312) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 6-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1313 (Station Log-Rec 6-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1313) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 6-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1314 (Station Log-Rec 6-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1314) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 6-SAM present_value: 73843.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1315 (Station Log-Rec 6-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1315) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 6-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1316 (Station Log-Rec 6-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1316) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 6-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1317 (Station Log-Rec 6-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1317) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 6-Field2 present_value: 2.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1318 (Station Log-Rec 6-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1318) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 6-Field3 present_value: 19440.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1319 (Station Log-Rec 6-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1319) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 6-Field4 present_value: 97.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1320 (Station Log-Rec 7-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1320) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 7-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1321 (Station Log-Rec 7-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1321) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 7-Day present_value: 16.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1322 (Station Log-Rec 7-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1322) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 7-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1323 (Station Log-Rec 7-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1323) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 7-SAM present_value: 74102.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1324 (Station Log-Rec 7-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1324) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 7-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1325 (Station Log-Rec 7-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1325) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 7-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1326 (Station Log-Rec 7-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1326) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 7-Field2 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1327 (Station Log-Rec 7-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1327) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 7-Field3 present_value: 259.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1328 (Station Log-Rec 7-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1328) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 7-Field4 present_value: 97.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1329 (Station Log-Rec 8-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1329) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 8-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1330 (Station Log-Rec 8-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1330) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 8-Day present_value: 17.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1331 (Station Log-Rec 8-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1331) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 8-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1332 (Station Log-Rec 8-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1332) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 8-SAM present_value: 64.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1333 (Station Log-Rec 8-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1333) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 8-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1334 (Station Log-Rec 8-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1334) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 8-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1335 (Station Log-Rec 8-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1335) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 8-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1336 (Station Log-Rec 8-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1336) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 8-Field3 present_value: 64.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1337 (Station Log-Rec 8-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1337) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 8-Field4 present_value: 33.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1338 (Station Log-Rec 9-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1338) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 9-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1339 (Station Log-Rec 9-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1339) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 9-Day present_value: 17.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1340 (Station Log-Rec 9-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1340) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 9-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1341 (Station Log-Rec 9-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1341) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 9-SAM present_value: 193.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1342 (Station Log-Rec 9-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1342) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 9-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1343 (Station Log-Rec 9-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1343) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 9-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1344 (Station Log-Rec 9-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1344) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 9-Field2 present_value: 1.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1345 (Station Log-Rec 9-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1345) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 9-Field3 present_value: 129.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1346 (Station Log-Rec 9-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1346) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 9-Field4 present_value: 33.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1347 (Station Log-Rec 10-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1347) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 10-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1348 (Station Log-Rec 10-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1348) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 10-Day present_value: 17.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1349 (Station Log-Rec 10-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1349) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 10-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1350 (Station Log-Rec 10-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1350) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 10-SAM present_value: 19633.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1351 (Station Log-Rec 10-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1351) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 10-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1352 (Station Log-Rec 10-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1352) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 10-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1353 (Station Log-Rec 10-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1353) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 10-Field2 present_value: 2.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1354 (Station Log-Rec 10-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1354) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 10-Field3 present_value: 19440.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1355 (Station Log-Rec 10-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1355) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 10-Field4 present_value: 33.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1356 (Station Log-Rec 11-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1356) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 11-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1357 (Station Log-Rec 11-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1357) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 11-Day present_value: 17.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1358 (Station Log-Rec 11-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1358) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 11-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1359 (Station Log-Rec 11-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1359) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 11-SAM present_value: 19892.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1360 (Station Log-Rec 11-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1360) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 11-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1361 (Station Log-Rec 11-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1361) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 11-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1362 (Station Log-Rec 11-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1362) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 11-Field2 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1363 (Station Log-Rec 11-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1363) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 11-Field3 present_value: 259.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1364 (Station Log-Rec 11-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1364) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 11-Field4 present_value: 33.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1365 (Station Log-Rec 12-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1365) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 12-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1366 (Station Log-Rec 12-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1366) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 12-Day present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1367 (Station Log-Rec 12-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1367) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 12-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1368 (Station Log-Rec 12-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1368) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 12-SAM present_value: 64.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1369 (Station Log-Rec 12-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1369) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 12-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1370 (Station Log-Rec 12-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1370) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 12-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1371 (Station Log-Rec 12-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1371) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 12-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1372 (Station Log-Rec 12-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1372) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 12-Field3 present_value: 64.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1373 (Station Log-Rec 12-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1373) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 12-Field4 present_value: 33.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1374 (Station Log-Rec 13-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1374) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 13-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1375 (Station Log-Rec 13-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1375) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 13-Day present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1376 (Station Log-Rec 13-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1376) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 13-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1377 (Station Log-Rec 13-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1377) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 13-SAM present_value: 193.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1378 (Station Log-Rec 13-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1378) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 13-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1379 (Station Log-Rec 13-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1379) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 13-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1380 (Station Log-Rec 13-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1380) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 13-Field2 present_value: 1.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1381 (Station Log-Rec 13-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1381) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 13-Field3 present_value: 129.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1382 (Station Log-Rec 13-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1382) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 13-Field4 present_value: 33.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1383 (Station Log-Rec 14-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1383) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 14-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1384 (Station Log-Rec 14-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1384) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 14-Day present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1385 (Station Log-Rec 14-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1385) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 14-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1386 (Station Log-Rec 14-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1386) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 14-SAM present_value: 19633.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1387 (Station Log-Rec 14-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1387) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 14-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1388 (Station Log-Rec 14-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1388) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 14-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1389 (Station Log-Rec 14-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1389) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 14-Field2 present_value: 2.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1390 (Station Log-Rec 14-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1390) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 14-Field3 present_value: 19440.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1391 (Station Log-Rec 14-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1391) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 14-Field4 present_value: 33.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1392 (Station Log-Rec 15-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1392) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 15-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1393 (Station Log-Rec 15-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1393) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 15-Day present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1394 (Station Log-Rec 15-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1394) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 15-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1395 (Station Log-Rec 15-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1395) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 15-SAM present_value: 19892.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1396 (Station Log-Rec 15-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1396) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 15-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1397 (Station Log-Rec 15-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1397) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 15-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1398 (Station Log-Rec 15-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1398) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 15-Field2 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1399 (Station Log-Rec 15-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1399) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 15-Field3 present_value: 259.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1400 (Station Log-Rec 15-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1400) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 15-Field4 present_value: 33.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1401 (Station Log-Rec 16-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1401) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 16-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1402 (Station Log-Rec 16-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1402) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 16-Day present_value: 21.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1403 (Station Log-Rec 16-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1403) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 16-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1404 (Station Log-Rec 16-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1404) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 16-SAM present_value: 64.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1405 (Station Log-Rec 16-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1405) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 16-idiom present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1406 (Station Log-Rec 16-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1406) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 16-Field1 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1407 (Station Log-Rec 16-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1407) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 16-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1408 (Station Log-Rec 16-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1408) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 16-Field3 present_value: 64.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1409 (Station Log-Rec 16-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1409) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Station Log-Rec 16-Field4 present_value: 33.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1410 (Alarm Log-Rec 1-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1410) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 1-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 - 8-Bit value for month ? Range i cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1411 (Alarm Log-Rec 1-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1411) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 1-Day present_value: 23.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -8-Bit value for date ? Range is cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1412 (Alarm Log-Rec 1-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1412) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 1-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -8-Bit value for year ? Range is cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1413 (Alarm Log-Rec 1-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1413) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 1-SAM present_value: 36563.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -24-Bit value for seconds after m cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1414 (Alarm Log-Rec 1-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1414) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 1-idiom present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -8-Bit value containing descripto cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1415 (Alarm Log-Rec 1-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1415) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 1-Field1 present_value: 7.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -8-Bit value containing reason fo cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1416 (Alarm Log-Rec 1-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1416) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 1-Field2 present_value: 22.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -16-Bit value containing informat cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1417 (Alarm Log-Rec 1-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1417) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 1-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -16-Bit value containing various cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1418 (Alarm Log-Rec 1-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1418) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 1-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 1 -16-Bit bitmapped value containin cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1419 (Alarm Log-Rec 2-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1419) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 2-Month present_value: 5.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1420 (Alarm Log-Rec 2-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1420) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 2-Day present_value: 23.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1421 (Alarm Log-Rec 2-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1421) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 2-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1422 (Alarm Log-Rec 2-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1422) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 2-SAM present_value: 36577.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1423 (Alarm Log-Rec 2-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1423) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 2-idiom present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1424 (Alarm Log-Rec 2-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1424) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 2-Field1 present_value: 7.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1425 (Alarm Log-Rec 2-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1425) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 2-Field2 present_value: 22.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1426 (Alarm Log-Rec 2-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1426) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 2-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1427 (Alarm Log-Rec 2-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1427) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 2-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 2 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1428 (Alarm Log-Rec 3-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1428) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 3-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1429 (Alarm Log-Rec 3-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1429) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 3-Day present_value: 23.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1430 (Alarm Log-Rec 3-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1430) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 3-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1431 (Alarm Log-Rec 3-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1431) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 3-SAM present_value: 19635.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1432 (Alarm Log-Rec 3-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1432) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 3-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1433 (Alarm Log-Rec 3-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1433) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 3-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1434 (Alarm Log-Rec 3-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1434) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 3-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1435 (Alarm Log-Rec 3-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1435) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 3-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1436 (Alarm Log-Rec 3-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1436) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 3-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 3 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1437 (Alarm Log-Rec 4-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1437) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 4-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1438 (Alarm Log-Rec 4-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1438) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 4-Day present_value: 23.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1439 (Alarm Log-Rec 4-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1439) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 4-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1440 (Alarm Log-Rec 4-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1440) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 4-SAM present_value: 19677.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1441 (Alarm Log-Rec 4-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1441) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 4-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1442 (Alarm Log-Rec 4-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1442) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 4-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1443 (Alarm Log-Rec 4-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1443) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 4-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1444 (Alarm Log-Rec 4-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1444) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 4-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1445 (Alarm Log-Rec 4-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1445) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 4-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 4 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1446 (Alarm Log-Rec 5-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1446) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 5-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1447 (Alarm Log-Rec 5-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1447) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 5-Day present_value: 23.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1448 (Alarm Log-Rec 5-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1448) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 5-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1449 (Alarm Log-Rec 5-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1449) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 5-SAM present_value: 19720.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1450 (Alarm Log-Rec 5-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1450) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 5-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1451 (Alarm Log-Rec 5-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1451) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 5-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1452 (Alarm Log-Rec 5-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1452) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 5-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1453 (Alarm Log-Rec 5-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1453) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 5-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1454 (Alarm Log-Rec 5-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1454) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 5-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 5 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1455 (Alarm Log-Rec 6-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1455) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 6-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1456 (Alarm Log-Rec 6-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1456) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 6-Day present_value: 23.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1457 (Alarm Log-Rec 6-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1457) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 6-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1458 (Alarm Log-Rec 6-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1458) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 6-SAM present_value: 19762.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1459 (Alarm Log-Rec 6-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1459) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 6-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1460 (Alarm Log-Rec 6-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1460) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 6-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1461 (Alarm Log-Rec 6-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1461) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 6-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1462 (Alarm Log-Rec 6-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1462) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 6-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1463 (Alarm Log-Rec 6-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1463) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 6-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 6 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1464 (Alarm Log-Rec 7-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1464) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 7-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1465 (Alarm Log-Rec 7-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1465) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 7-Day present_value: 23.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1466 (Alarm Log-Rec 7-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1466) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 7-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1467 (Alarm Log-Rec 7-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1467) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 7-SAM present_value: 19805.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1468 (Alarm Log-Rec 7-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1468) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 7-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1469 (Alarm Log-Rec 7-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1469) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 7-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1470 (Alarm Log-Rec 7-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1470) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 7-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1471 (Alarm Log-Rec 7-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1471) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 7-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1472 (Alarm Log-Rec 7-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1472) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 7-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 7 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1473 (Alarm Log-Rec 8-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1473) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 8-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1474 (Alarm Log-Rec 8-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1474) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 8-Day present_value: 23.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1475 (Alarm Log-Rec 8-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1475) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 8-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1476 (Alarm Log-Rec 8-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1476) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 8-SAM present_value: 19848.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1477 (Alarm Log-Rec 8-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1477) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 8-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1478 (Alarm Log-Rec 8-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1478) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 8-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1479 (Alarm Log-Rec 8-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1479) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 8-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1480 (Alarm Log-Rec 8-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1480) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 8-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1481 (Alarm Log-Rec 8-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1481) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 8-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 8 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1482 (Alarm Log-Rec 9-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1482) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 9-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1483 (Alarm Log-Rec 9-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1483) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 9-Day present_value: 23.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1484 (Alarm Log-Rec 9-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1484) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 9-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1485 (Alarm Log-Rec 9-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1485) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 9-SAM present_value: 19890.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1486 (Alarm Log-Rec 9-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1486) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 9-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1487 (Alarm Log-Rec 9-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1487) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 9-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1488 (Alarm Log-Rec 9-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1488) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 9-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1489 (Alarm Log-Rec 9-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1489) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 9-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1490 (Alarm Log-Rec 9-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1490) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 9-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 9 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1491 (Alarm Log-Rec 10-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1491) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 10-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1492 (Alarm Log-Rec 10-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1492) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 10-Day present_value: 25.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1493 (Alarm Log-Rec 10-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1493) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 10-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1494 (Alarm Log-Rec 10-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1494) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 10-SAM present_value: 19634.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1495 (Alarm Log-Rec 10-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1495) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 10-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1496 (Alarm Log-Rec 10-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1496) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 10-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1497 (Alarm Log-Rec 10-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1497) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 10-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1498 (Alarm Log-Rec 10-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1498) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 10-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1499 (Alarm Log-Rec 10-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1499) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 10-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 10 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1500 (Alarm Log-Rec 11-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1500) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 11-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1501 (Alarm Log-Rec 11-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1501) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 11-Day present_value: 25.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1502 (Alarm Log-Rec 11-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1502) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 11-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1503 (Alarm Log-Rec 11-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1503) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 11-SAM present_value: 19677.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1504 (Alarm Log-Rec 11-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1504) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 11-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1505 (Alarm Log-Rec 11-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1505) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 11-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1506 (Alarm Log-Rec 11-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1506) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 11-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1507 (Alarm Log-Rec 11-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1507) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 11-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1508 (Alarm Log-Rec 11-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1508) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 11-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 11 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1509 (Alarm Log-Rec 12-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1509) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 12-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1510 (Alarm Log-Rec 12-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1510) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 12-Day present_value: 25.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1511 (Alarm Log-Rec 12-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1511) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 12-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1512 (Alarm Log-Rec 12-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1512) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 12-SAM present_value: 19719.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1513 (Alarm Log-Rec 12-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1513) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 12-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1514 (Alarm Log-Rec 12-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1514) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 12-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1515 (Alarm Log-Rec 12-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1515) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 12-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1516 (Alarm Log-Rec 12-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1516) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 12-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1517 (Alarm Log-Rec 12-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1517) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 12-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 12 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1518 (Alarm Log-Rec 13-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:17:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1518) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 13-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1519 (Alarm Log-Rec 13-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1519) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 13-Day present_value: 25.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1520 (Alarm Log-Rec 13-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1520) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 13-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1521 (Alarm Log-Rec 13-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1521) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 13-SAM present_value: 19762.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1522 (Alarm Log-Rec 13-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1522) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 13-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1523 (Alarm Log-Rec 13-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1523) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 13-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1524 (Alarm Log-Rec 13-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1524) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 13-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1525 (Alarm Log-Rec 13-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1525) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 13-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1526 (Alarm Log-Rec 13-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1526) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 13-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 13 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1527 (Alarm Log-Rec 14-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1527) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 14-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1528 (Alarm Log-Rec 14-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1528) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 14-Day present_value: 25.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1529 (Alarm Log-Rec 14-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1529) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 14-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1530 (Alarm Log-Rec 14-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1530) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 14-SAM present_value: 19805.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1531 (Alarm Log-Rec 14-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1531) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 14-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1532 (Alarm Log-Rec 14-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1532) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 14-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1533 (Alarm Log-Rec 14-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1533) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 14-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1534 (Alarm Log-Rec 14-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1534) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 14-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1535 (Alarm Log-Rec 14-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1535) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 14-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 14 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1536 (Alarm Log-Rec 15-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1536) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 15-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1537 (Alarm Log-Rec 15-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1537) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 15-Day present_value: 25.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1538 (Alarm Log-Rec 15-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1538) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 15-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1539 (Alarm Log-Rec 15-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1539) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 15-SAM present_value: 19847.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1540 (Alarm Log-Rec 15-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1540) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 15-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1541 (Alarm Log-Rec 15-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1541) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 15-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1542 (Alarm Log-Rec 15-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1542) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 15-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1543 (Alarm Log-Rec 15-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1543) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 15-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1544 (Alarm Log-Rec 15-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1544) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 15-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 15 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1545 (Alarm Log-Rec 16-Month) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1545) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 16-Month present_value: 6.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1546 (Alarm Log-Rec 16-Day) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1546) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 16-Day present_value: 25.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1547 (Alarm Log-Rec 16-Year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1547) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 16-Year present_value: 19.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1548 (Alarm Log-Rec 16-SAM) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1548) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 16-SAM present_value: 19890.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1549 (Alarm Log-Rec 16-idiom) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1549) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 16-idiom present_value: 4.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1550 (Alarm Log-Rec 16-Field1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1550) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 16-Field1 present_value: 3.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1551 (Alarm Log-Rec 16-Field2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1551) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 16-Field2 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1552 (Alarm Log-Rec 16-Field3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1552) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 16-Field3 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1553 (Alarm Log-Rec 16-Field4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1553) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Alarm Log-Rec 16-Field4 present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Rec 16 cov_increment: 0.000 binary_input: 238 (Overloaded-Pump1 Overload) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:05 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (238) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Pump1 Overload present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Pump1 Overload binary_input: 239 (Overloaded-Pump2 Overload) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:05 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (239) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Pump2 Overload present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Pump2 Overload binary_input: 240 (Overloaded-Pump3 Overload) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:05 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (240) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Pump3 Overload present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Pump3 Overload binary_input: 241 (Overloaded-Pump4 Overload) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:05 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (241) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Pump4 Overload present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Pump4 Overload analog_input: 232 (Overloaded-StnCount) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (232) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Overloaded-StnCount present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Number of stations being reported 1 - 2 cov_increment: 0.000 binary_input: 242 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #1) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:05 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (242) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #1 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #1 binary_input: 243 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #2) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:06 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (243) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #2 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #2 binary_input: 244 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #3) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:06 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (244) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #3 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #3 binary_input: 245 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #4) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:06 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (245) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #4 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #4 binary_input: 246 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #5) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:06 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (246) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #5 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #5 binary_input: 247 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #6) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:06 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (247) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #6 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #6 binary_input: 248 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #7) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:06 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (248) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #7 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #7 binary_input: 249 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #8) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:06 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (249) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #8 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #8 binary_input: 250 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #9) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:07 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (250) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #9 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #9 binary_input: 251 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #10) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:07 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (251) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #10 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #10 binary_input: 252 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #11) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:07 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (252) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #11 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #11 binary_input: 253 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #12) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:07 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (253) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #12 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #12 binary_input: 254 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #13) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:07 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (254) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #13 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #13 binary_input: 255 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #14) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:07 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (255) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #14 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #14 binary_input: 256 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #15) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:07 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (256) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #15 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #15 binary_input: 257 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #16) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:08 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (257) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #16 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #16 binary_input: 258 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #17) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:08 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (258) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #17 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #17 binary_input: 259 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #18) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:08 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (259) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #18 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #18 binary_input: 260 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #19) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:08 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (260) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #19 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #19 binary_input: 261 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #20) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:08 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (261) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #20 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #20 binary_input: 262 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #21) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:08 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (262) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #21 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #21 binary_input: 263 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #22) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:09 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (263) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #22 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #22 binary_input: 264 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #23) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:09 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (264) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #23 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #23 binary_input: 265 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #24) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:09 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (265) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #24 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #24 binary_input: 266 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #25) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:09 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (266) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #25 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #25 binary_input: 267 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #26) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:09 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (267) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #26 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #26 binary_input: 268 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #27) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:09 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (268) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #27 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #27 binary_input: 269 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #28) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:09 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (269) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #28 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #28 binary_input: 270 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #29) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:10 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (270) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #29 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #29 binary_input: 271 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #30) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:10 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (271) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #30 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #30 binary_input: 272 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #31) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:10 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (272) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #31 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #31 binary_input: 273 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #32) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:10 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (273) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #32 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #32 binary_input: 274 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #33) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:10 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (274) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #33 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #33 binary_input: 275 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #34) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:10 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (275) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #34 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #34 binary_input: 276 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #35) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:11 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (276) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #35 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #35 binary_input: 277 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #36) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:11 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (277) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #36 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #36 binary_input: 278 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #37) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:11 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (278) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #37 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #37 binary_input: 279 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #38) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:11 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (279) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #38 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #38 binary_input: 280 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #39) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:11 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (280) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #39 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #39 binary_input: 281 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #40) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:11 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (281) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #40 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #40 binary_input: 282 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #41) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:11 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (282) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #41 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #41 binary_input: 283 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #42) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:12 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (283) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #42 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #42 binary_input: 284 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #43) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:12 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (284) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #43 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #43 binary_input: 285 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #44) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:12 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (285) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #44 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #44 binary_input: 286 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #45) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:12 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (286) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #45 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #45 binary_input: 287 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #46) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:12 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (287) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #46 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #46 binary_input: 288 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #47) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:12 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (288) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #47 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #47 binary_input: 289 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #48) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:12 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (289) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #48 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #48 binary_input: 290 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #49) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:13 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (290) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #49 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #49 binary_input: 291 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #50) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:13 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (291) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #50 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #50 binary_input: 292 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #51) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:13 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (292) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #51 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #51 binary_input: 293 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #52) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:13 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (293) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #52 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #52 binary_input: 294 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #53) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:13 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (294) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #53 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #53 binary_input: 295 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #54) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:13 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (295) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #54 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #54 binary_input: 296 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #55) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:13 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (296) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #55 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #55 binary_input: 297 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #56) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:14 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (297) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #56 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #56 binary_input: 298 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #57) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:14 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (298) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #57 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #57 binary_input: 299 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #58) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:14 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (299) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #58 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #58 binary_input: 300 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #59) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:14 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (300) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #59 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #59 binary_input: 301 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #60) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:14 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (301) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #60 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #60 binary_input: 302 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #61) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:14 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (302) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #61 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #61 binary_input: 303 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #62) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:15 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (303) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #62 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #62 binary_input: 304 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #63) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:15 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (304) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #63 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #63 binary_input: 305 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #64) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:15 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (305) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #64 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #64 binary_input: 306 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #65) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:15 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (306) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #65 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #65 binary_input: 307 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #66) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:15 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (307) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #66 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #66 binary_input: 308 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #67) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:15 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (308) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #67 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #67 binary_input: 309 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #68) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:15 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (309) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #68 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #68 binary_input: 310 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #69) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:16 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (310) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #69 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #69 binary_input: 311 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #70) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:16 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (311) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #70 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #70 binary_input: 312 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #71) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:16 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (312) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #71 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #71 binary_input: 313 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #72) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:16 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (313) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #72 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #72 binary_input: 314 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #73) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:16 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (314) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #73 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #73 binary_input: 315 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #74) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:16 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (315) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #74 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #74 binary_input: 316 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #75) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:17 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (316) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #75 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #75 binary_input: 317 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #76) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:17 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (317) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #76 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #76 binary_input: 318 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #77) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:17 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (318) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #77 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #77 binary_input: 319 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #78) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:17 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (319) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #78 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #78 binary_input: 320 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #79) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:17 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (320) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #79 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #79 binary_input: 321 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #80) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:17 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (321) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #80 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #80 binary_input: 322 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #81) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:17 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (322) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #81 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #81 binary_input: 323 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #82) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:18 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (323) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #82 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #82 binary_input: 324 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #83) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:18 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (324) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #83 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #83 binary_input: 325 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #84) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:18 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (325) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #84 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #84 binary_input: 326 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #85) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:18 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (326) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #85 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #85 binary_input: 327 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #86) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:18 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (327) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #86 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #86 binary_input: 328 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #87) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:18 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (328) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #87 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #87 binary_input: 329 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #88) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:18 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (329) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #88 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #88 binary_input: 330 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #89) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:19 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (330) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #89 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #89 binary_input: 331 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #90) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:19 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (331) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #90 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #90 binary_input: 332 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #91) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:19 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (332) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #91 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #91 binary_input: 333 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #92) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:19 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (333) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #92 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #92 binary_input: 334 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #93) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:19 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (334) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #93 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #93 binary_input: 335 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #94) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:19 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (335) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #94 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #94 binary_input: 336 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #95) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:20 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (336) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #95 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #95 binary_input: 337 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #96) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:20 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (337) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #96 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #96 binary_input: 338 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #97) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:20 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (338) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #97 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #97 binary_input: 339 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #98) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:20 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (339) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #98 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #98 binary_input: 340 (Overloaded-Stn Overload - #99) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:20 2019 object_identifier: binary_input (340) object_type: binary_input (0x3) object_name: Overloaded-Stn Overload - #99 present_value: 0 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False polarity: 0 active_text: Active inactive_text: Inactive description: Stn Overload - #99 analog_input: 233 (Ctrlr Flow-Category) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (233) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Ctrlr Flow-Category present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 0 - Field Controller 1 - Program 2 - cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 234 (Ctrlr Flow-StartIndex) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (234) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Ctrlr Flow-StartIndex present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 0 or don't-care Program Index 0 - 17 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 235 (Ctrlr Flow-Count) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (235) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Ctrlr Flow-Count present_value: 1.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Number of total flow records in this tr cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 236 (Ctrlr Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (236) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Ctrlr Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 237 (Ctrlr Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (237) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Ctrlr Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 238 (Ctrlr Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (238) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Ctrlr Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 239 (Ctrlr Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (239) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Ctrlr Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 240 (Ctrlr Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (240) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Ctrlr Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 241 (Ctrlr Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (241) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Ctrlr Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 242 (Ctrlr Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (242) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Ctrlr Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 243 (Ctrlr Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (243) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Ctrlr Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_output: 87 (Stn X Flow-StationSelector) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_output (87) object_type: analog_output (0x1) object_name: Stn X Flow-StationSelector present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) priority_array: NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL relinquish_default: 0.000 description: Write 0 1 2 to 99 this point to select which of the Stations Data gets loaded here max_pres_value: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 min_pres_value: -340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 244 (Stn X Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (244) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn X Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 245 (Stn X Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (245) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn X Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 246 (Stn X Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (246) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn X Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 247 (Stn X Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (247) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn X Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 248 (Stn X Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (248) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn X Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 249 (Stn X Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (249) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn X Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 250 (Stn X Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (250) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn X Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 251 (Stn X Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (251) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn X Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 252 (SSG0 Flow-Category) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (252) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG0 Flow-Category present_value: 2.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 0 - Field Controller 1 - Program 2 - cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 253 (SSG0 Flow-StartIndex) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (253) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG0 Flow-StartIndex present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 0 or don't-care Program Index 0 - 17 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 254 (SSG0 Flow-Count) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (254) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG0 Flow-Count present_value: 8.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Number of total flow records in this tr cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 255 (SSG0 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (255) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG0 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 256 (SSG0 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (256) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG0 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 257 (SSG0 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (257) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG0 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 258 (SSG0 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (258) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG0 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 259 (SSG0 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (259) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG0 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 260 (SSG0 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (260) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG0 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 261 (SSG0 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (261) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG0 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 262 (SSG0 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (262) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG0 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 263 (SSG1 Flow-Category) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (263) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG1 Flow-Category present_value: 2.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 0 - Field Controller 1 - Program 2 - cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 264 (SSG1 Flow-StartIndex) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (264) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG1 Flow-StartIndex present_value: 1.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 0 or don't-care Program Index 0 - 17 cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 265 (SSG1 Flow-Count) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (265) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG1 Flow-Count present_value: 8.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: Number of total flow records in this tr cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 266 (SSG1 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (266) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG1 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 267 (SSG1 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (267) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG1 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 268 (SSG1 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (268) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG1 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 269 (SSG1 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (269) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG1 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 270 (SSG1 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (270) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG1 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 271 (SSG1 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (271) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG1 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 272 (SSG1 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (272) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG1 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 273 (SSG1 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (273) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: SSG1 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 274 (Prgm 0 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (274) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 0 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 275 (Prgm 0 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (275) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 0 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 276 (Prgm 0 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (276) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 0 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 277 (Prgm 0 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (277) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 0 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 278 (Prgm 0 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (278) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 0 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 279 (Prgm 0 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (279) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 0 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 280 (Prgm 0 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (280) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 0 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 281 (Prgm 0 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (281) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 0 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 282 (Prgm 1 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (282) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 1 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 283 (Prgm 1 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (283) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 1 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 284 (Prgm 1 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (284) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 1 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 285 (Prgm 1 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (285) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 1 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 286 (Prgm 1 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (286) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 1 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 287 (Prgm 1 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (287) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 1 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 288 (Prgm 1 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (288) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 1 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 289 (Prgm 1 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (289) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 1 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 290 (Prgm 2 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (290) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 2 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 291 (Prgm 2 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (291) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 2 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 292 (Prgm 2 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (292) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 2 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 293 (Prgm 2 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (293) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 2 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 294 (Prgm 2 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (294) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 2 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 295 (Prgm 2 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (295) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 2 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 296 (Prgm 2 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (296) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 2 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 297 (Prgm 2 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (297) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 2 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 298 (Prgm 3 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (298) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 3 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 299 (Prgm 3 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (299) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 3 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 300 (Prgm 3 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (300) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 3 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 301 (Prgm 3 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (301) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 3 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 302 (Prgm 3 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (302) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 3 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 303 (Prgm 3 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (303) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 3 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 304 (Prgm 3 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (304) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 3 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 305 (Prgm 3 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (305) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 3 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 306 (Prgm 4 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (306) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 4 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 307 (Prgm 4 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (307) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 4 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 308 (Prgm 4 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (308) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 4 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 309 (Prgm 4 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (309) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 4 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 310 (Prgm 4 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (310) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 4 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 311 (Prgm 4 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (311) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 4 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 312 (Prgm 4 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (312) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 4 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 313 (Prgm 4 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (313) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 4 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 314 (Prgm 5 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (314) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 5 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 315 (Prgm 5 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (315) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 5 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 316 (Prgm 5 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (316) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 5 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 317 (Prgm 5 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (317) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 5 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 318 (Prgm 5 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (318) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 5 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 319 (Prgm 5 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (319) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 5 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 320 (Prgm 5 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (320) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 5 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 321 (Prgm 5 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (321) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Prgm 5 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 322 (Stn 0 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (322) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 0 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 323 (Stn 0 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (323) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 0 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 324 (Stn 0 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (324) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 0 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 325 (Stn 0 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (325) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 0 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 326 (Stn 0 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (326) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 0 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 327 (Stn 0 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (327) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 0 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 328 (Stn 0 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (328) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 0 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 329 (Stn 0 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (329) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 0 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 330 (Stn 1 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (330) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 1 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 331 (Stn 1 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (331) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 1 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 332 (Stn 1 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (332) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 1 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 333 (Stn 1 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (333) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 1 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 334 (Stn 1 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (334) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 1 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 335 (Stn 1 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (335) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 1 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 336 (Stn 1 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (336) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 1 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 337 (Stn 1 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (337) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 1 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 338 (Stn 2 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (338) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 2 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 339 (Stn 2 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (339) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 2 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 340 (Stn 2 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (340) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 2 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 341 (Stn 2 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (341) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 2 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 342 (Stn 2 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (342) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 2 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 343 (Stn 2 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (343) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 2 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 344 (Stn 2 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (344) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 2 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 345 (Stn 2 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (345) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 2 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 346 (Stn 3 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (346) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 3 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 347 (Stn 3 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (347) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 3 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 348 (Stn 3 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (348) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 3 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 349 (Stn 3 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (349) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 3 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 350 (Stn 3 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (350) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 3 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 351 (Stn 3 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (351) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 3 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 352 (Stn 3 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (352) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 3 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 353 (Stn 3 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (353) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 3 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 354 (Stn 4 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (354) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 4 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 355 (Stn 4 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (355) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 4 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 356 (Stn 4 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (356) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 4 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 357 (Stn 4 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (357) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 4 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 358 (Stn 4 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (358) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 4 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 359 (Stn 4 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (359) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 4 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 360 (Stn 4 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (360) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 4 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 361 (Stn 4 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (361) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 4 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 362 (Stn 5 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (362) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 5 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 363 (Stn 5 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (363) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 5 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 364 (Stn 5 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (364) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 5 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 365 (Stn 5 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (365) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 5 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 366 (Stn 5 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (366) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 5 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 367 (Stn 5 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (367) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 5 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 368 (Stn 5 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (368) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 5 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 369 (Stn 5 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (369) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 5 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 370 (Stn 6 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (370) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 6 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 371 (Stn 6 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (371) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 6 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 372 (Stn 6 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (372) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 6 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 373 (Stn 6 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (373) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 6 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 374 (Stn 6 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (374) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 6 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 375 (Stn 6 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (375) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 6 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 376 (Stn 6 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (376) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 6 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 377 (Stn 6 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (377) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 6 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 378 (Stn 7 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (378) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 7 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 379 (Stn 7 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (379) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 7 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 380 (Stn 7 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (380) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 7 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 381 (Stn 7 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (381) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 7 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 382 (Stn 7 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (382) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 7 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 383 (Stn 7 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (383) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 7 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 384 (Stn 7 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (384) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 7 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 385 (Stn 7 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (385) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 7 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 386 (Stn 8 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (386) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 8 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 387 (Stn 8 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (387) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 8 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 388 (Stn 8 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (388) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 8 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 389 (Stn 8 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (389) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 8 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 390 (Stn 8 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (390) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 8 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 391 (Stn 8 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (391) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 8 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 392 (Stn 8 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (392) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 8 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 393 (Stn 8 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (393) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 8 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 394 (Stn 9 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (394) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 9 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 395 (Stn 9 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (395) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 9 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 396 (Stn 9 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (396) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 9 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 397 (Stn 9 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (397) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 9 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 398 (Stn 9 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (398) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 9 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 399 (Stn 9 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (399) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 9 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 400 (Stn 9 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (400) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 9 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 401 (Stn 9 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (401) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 9 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 402 (Stn 10 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (402) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 10 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 403 (Stn 10 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (403) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 10 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 404 (Stn 10 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (404) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 10 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 405 (Stn 10 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (405) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 10 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 406 (Stn 10 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (406) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 10 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 407 (Stn 10 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (407) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 10 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 408 (Stn 10 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (408) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 10 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 409 (Stn 10 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (409) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 10 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 410 (Stn 11 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (410) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 11 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 411 (Stn 11 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (411) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 11 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 412 (Stn 11 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (412) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 11 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 413 (Stn 11 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (413) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 11 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 414 (Stn 11 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (414) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 11 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 415 (Stn 11 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (415) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 11 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 416 (Stn 11 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (416) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 11 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 417 (Stn 11 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (417) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 11 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 418 (Stn 12 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (418) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 12 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 419 (Stn 12 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (419) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 12 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 420 (Stn 12 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (420) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 12 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 421 (Stn 12 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (421) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 12 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 422 (Stn 12 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (422) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 12 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 423 (Stn 12 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (423) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 12 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 424 (Stn 12 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (424) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 12 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 425 (Stn 12 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (425) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 12 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 426 (Stn 13 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (426) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 13 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 427 (Stn 13 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (427) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 13 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 428 (Stn 13 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (428) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 13 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 429 (Stn 13 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (429) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 13 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 430 (Stn 13 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (430) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 13 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 431 (Stn 13 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (431) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 13 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 432 (Stn 13 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (432) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 13 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 433 (Stn 13 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (433) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 13 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 434 (Stn 14 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (434) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 14 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 435 (Stn 14 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (435) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 14 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 436 (Stn 14 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (436) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 14 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 437 (Stn 14 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (437) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 14 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 438 (Stn 14 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (438) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 14 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 439 (Stn 14 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (439) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 14 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 440 (Stn 14 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (440) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 14 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 441 (Stn 14 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (441) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 14 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 442 (Stn 15 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (442) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 15 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 443 (Stn 15 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (443) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 15 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 444 (Stn 15 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (444) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 15 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 445 (Stn 15 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (445) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 15 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 446 (Stn 15 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (446) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 15 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 447 (Stn 15 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (447) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 15 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 448 (Stn 15 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (448) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 15 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 449 (Stn 15 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (449) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 15 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 450 (Stn 16 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (450) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 16 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 451 (Stn 16 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (451) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 16 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 452 (Stn 16 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (452) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 16 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 453 (Stn 16 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (453) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 16 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 454 (Stn 16 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (454) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 16 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 455 (Stn 16 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (455) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 16 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 456 (Stn 16 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (456) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 16 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 457 (Stn 16 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (457) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 16 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 458 (Stn 17 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (458) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 17 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 459 (Stn 17 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (459) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 17 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 460 (Stn 17 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (460) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 17 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 461 (Stn 17 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (461) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 17 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 462 (Stn 17 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (462) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 17 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 463 (Stn 17 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (463) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 17 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 464 (Stn 17 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (464) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 17 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 465 (Stn 17 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (465) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 17 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 466 (Stn 18 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (466) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 18 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 467 (Stn 18 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (467) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 18 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 468 (Stn 18 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (468) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 18 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 469 (Stn 18 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (469) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 18 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 470 (Stn 18 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (470) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 18 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 471 (Stn 18 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (471) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 18 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 472 (Stn 18 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (472) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 18 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 473 (Stn 18 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (473) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 18 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 474 (Stn 19 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (474) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 19 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 475 (Stn 19 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (475) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 19 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 476 (Stn 19 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (476) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 19 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 477 (Stn 19 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (477) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 19 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 478 (Stn 19 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (478) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 19 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 479 (Stn 19 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (479) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 19 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 480 (Stn 19 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (480) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 19 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 481 (Stn 19 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (481) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 19 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 482 (Stn 20 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (482) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 20 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 483 (Stn 20 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (483) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 20 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 484 (Stn 20 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (484) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 20 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 485 (Stn 20 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (485) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 20 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 486 (Stn 20 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (486) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 20 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 487 (Stn 20 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (487) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 20 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 488 (Stn 20 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (488) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 20 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 489 (Stn 20 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (489) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 20 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 490 (Stn 21 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (490) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 21 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 491 (Stn 21 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (491) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 21 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 492 (Stn 21 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (492) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 21 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 493 (Stn 21 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (493) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 21 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 494 (Stn 21 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (494) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 21 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 495 (Stn 21 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (495) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 21 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 496 (Stn 21 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (496) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 21 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 497 (Stn 21 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (497) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 21 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 498 (Stn 22 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (498) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 22 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 499 (Stn 22 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (499) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 22 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 500 (Stn 22 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (500) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 22 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 501 (Stn 22 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (501) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 22 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 502 (Stn 22 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (502) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 22 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 503 (Stn 22 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (503) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 22 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 504 (Stn 22 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (504) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 22 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 505 (Stn 22 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (505) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 22 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 506 (Stn 23 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (506) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 23 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 507 (Stn 23 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (507) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 23 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 508 (Stn 23 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (508) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 23 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 509 (Stn 23 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (509) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 23 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 510 (Stn 23 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:18:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (510) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 23 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 511 (Stn 23 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (511) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 23 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 512 (Stn 23 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (512) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 23 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 513 (Stn 23 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (513) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 23 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 514 (Stn 24 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (514) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 24 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 515 (Stn 24 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (515) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 24 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 516 (Stn 24 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (516) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 24 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 517 (Stn 24 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (517) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 24 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 518 (Stn 24 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (518) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 24 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 519 (Stn 24 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (519) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 24 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 520 (Stn 24 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (520) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 24 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 521 (Stn 24 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (521) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 24 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 522 (Stn 25 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (522) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 25 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 523 (Stn 25 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (523) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 25 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 524 (Stn 25 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (524) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 25 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 525 (Stn 25 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (525) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 25 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 526 (Stn 25 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (526) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 25 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 527 (Stn 25 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (527) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 25 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 528 (Stn 25 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (528) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 25 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 529 (Stn 25 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (529) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 25 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 530 (Stn 26 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (530) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 26 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 531 (Stn 26 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (531) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 26 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 532 (Stn 26 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (532) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 26 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 533 (Stn 26 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (533) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 26 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 534 (Stn 26 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (534) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 26 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 535 (Stn 26 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (535) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 26 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 536 (Stn 26 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (536) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 26 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 537 (Stn 26 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (537) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 26 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 538 (Stn 27 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (538) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 27 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 539 (Stn 27 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (539) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 27 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 540 (Stn 27 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (540) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 27 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 541 (Stn 27 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (541) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 27 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 542 (Stn 27 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (542) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 27 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 543 (Stn 27 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (543) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 27 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 544 (Stn 27 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (544) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 27 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 545 (Stn 27 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (545) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 27 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 546 (Stn 28 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (546) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 28 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 547 (Stn 28 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (547) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 28 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 548 (Stn 28 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (548) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 28 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 549 (Stn 28 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (549) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 28 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 550 (Stn 28 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (550) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 28 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 551 (Stn 28 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (551) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 28 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 552 (Stn 28 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (552) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 28 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 553 (Stn 28 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (553) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 28 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 554 (Stn 29 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (554) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 29 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 555 (Stn 29 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (555) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 29 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 556 (Stn 29 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (556) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 29 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 557 (Stn 29 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (557) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 29 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 558 (Stn 29 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (558) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 29 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 559 (Stn 29 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (559) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 29 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 560 (Stn 29 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (560) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 29 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 561 (Stn 29 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (561) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 29 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 562 (Stn 30 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (562) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 30 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 563 (Stn 30 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (563) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 30 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 564 (Stn 30 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (564) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 30 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 565 (Stn 30 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (565) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 30 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 566 (Stn 30 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (566) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 30 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 567 (Stn 30 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (567) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 30 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 568 (Stn 30 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (568) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 30 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 569 (Stn 30 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (569) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 30 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 570 (Stn 31 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (570) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 31 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 571 (Stn 31 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (571) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 31 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 572 (Stn 31 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (572) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 31 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 573 (Stn 31 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (573) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 31 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 574 (Stn 31 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (574) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 31 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 575 (Stn 31 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (575) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 31 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 576 (Stn 31 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (576) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 31 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 577 (Stn 31 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (577) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 31 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 578 (Stn 32 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (578) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 32 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 579 (Stn 32 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (579) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 32 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 580 (Stn 32 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (580) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 32 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 581 (Stn 32 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (581) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 32 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 582 (Stn 32 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (582) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 32 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 583 (Stn 32 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (583) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 32 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 584 (Stn 32 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (584) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 32 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 585 (Stn 32 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (585) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 32 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 586 (Stn 33 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (586) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 33 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 587 (Stn 33 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (587) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 33 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 588 (Stn 33 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (588) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 33 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 589 (Stn 33 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (589) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 33 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 590 (Stn 33 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (590) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 33 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 591 (Stn 33 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (591) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 33 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 592 (Stn 33 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (592) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 33 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 593 (Stn 33 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (593) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 33 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 594 (Stn 34 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (594) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 34 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 595 (Stn 34 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (595) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 34 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 596 (Stn 34 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (596) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 34 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 597 (Stn 34 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (597) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 34 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 598 (Stn 34 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (598) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 34 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 599 (Stn 34 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (599) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 34 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 600 (Stn 34 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (600) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 34 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 601 (Stn 34 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (601) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 34 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 602 (Stn 35 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (602) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 35 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 603 (Stn 35 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (603) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 35 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 604 (Stn 35 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (604) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 35 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 605 (Stn 35 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (605) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 35 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 606 (Stn 35 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (606) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 35 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 607 (Stn 35 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (607) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 35 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 608 (Stn 35 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (608) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 35 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 609 (Stn 35 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (609) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 35 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 610 (Stn 36 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (610) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 36 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 611 (Stn 36 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (611) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 36 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 612 (Stn 36 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (612) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 36 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 613 (Stn 36 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (613) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 36 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 614 (Stn 36 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (614) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 36 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 615 (Stn 36 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (615) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 36 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 616 (Stn 36 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (616) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 36 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 617 (Stn 36 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (617) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 36 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 618 (Stn 37 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (618) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 37 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 619 (Stn 37 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (619) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 37 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 620 (Stn 37 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (620) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 37 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 621 (Stn 37 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (621) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 37 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 622 (Stn 37 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (622) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 37 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 623 (Stn 37 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (623) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 37 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 624 (Stn 37 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (624) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 37 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 625 (Stn 37 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (625) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 37 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 626 (Stn 38 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (626) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 38 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 627 (Stn 38 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (627) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 38 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 628 (Stn 38 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (628) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 38 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 629 (Stn 38 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (629) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 38 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 630 (Stn 38 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (630) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 38 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 631 (Stn 38 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (631) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 38 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 632 (Stn 38 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (632) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 38 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 633 (Stn 38 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (633) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 38 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 634 (Stn 39 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (634) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 39 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 635 (Stn 39 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (635) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 39 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 636 (Stn 39 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (636) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 39 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 637 (Stn 39 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (637) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 39 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 638 (Stn 39 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (638) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 39 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 639 (Stn 39 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (639) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 39 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 640 (Stn 39 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (640) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 39 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 641 (Stn 39 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (641) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 39 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 642 (Stn 40 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (642) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 40 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 643 (Stn 40 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (643) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 40 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 644 (Stn 40 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (644) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 40 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 645 (Stn 40 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (645) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 40 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 646 (Stn 40 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (646) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 40 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 647 (Stn 40 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (647) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 40 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 648 (Stn 40 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (648) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 40 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 649 (Stn 40 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (649) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 40 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 650 (Stn 41 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (650) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 41 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 651 (Stn 41 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (651) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 41 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 652 (Stn 41 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (652) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 41 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 653 (Stn 41 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (653) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 41 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 654 (Stn 41 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (654) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 41 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 655 (Stn 41 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (655) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 41 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 656 (Stn 41 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (656) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 41 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 657 (Stn 41 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (657) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 41 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 658 (Stn 42 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (658) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 42 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 659 (Stn 42 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (659) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 42 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 660 (Stn 42 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (660) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 42 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 661 (Stn 42 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (661) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 42 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 662 (Stn 42 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (662) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 42 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 663 (Stn 42 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (663) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 42 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 664 (Stn 42 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (664) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 42 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 665 (Stn 42 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (665) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 42 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 666 (Stn 43 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (666) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 43 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 667 (Stn 43 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (667) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 43 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 668 (Stn 43 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (668) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 43 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 669 (Stn 43 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (669) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 43 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 670 (Stn 43 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (670) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 43 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 671 (Stn 43 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (671) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 43 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 672 (Stn 43 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (672) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 43 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 673 (Stn 43 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (673) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 43 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 674 (Stn 44 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (674) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 44 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 675 (Stn 44 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (675) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 44 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 676 (Stn 44 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (676) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 44 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 677 (Stn 44 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (677) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 44 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 678 (Stn 44 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (678) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 44 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 679 (Stn 44 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (679) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 44 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 680 (Stn 44 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (680) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 44 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 681 (Stn 44 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (681) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 44 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 682 (Stn 45 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (682) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 45 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 683 (Stn 45 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (683) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 45 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 684 (Stn 45 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (684) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 45 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 685 (Stn 45 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (685) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 45 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 686 (Stn 45 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (686) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 45 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 687 (Stn 45 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (687) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 45 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 688 (Stn 45 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (688) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 45 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 689 (Stn 45 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (689) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 45 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 690 (Stn 46 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (690) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 46 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 691 (Stn 46 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (691) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 46 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 692 (Stn 46 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (692) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 46 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 693 (Stn 46 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (693) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 46 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 694 (Stn 46 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (694) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 46 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 695 (Stn 46 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (695) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 46 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 696 (Stn 46 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (696) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 46 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 697 (Stn 46 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (697) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 46 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 698 (Stn 47 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (698) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 47 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 699 (Stn 47 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (699) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 47 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 700 (Stn 47 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (700) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 47 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 701 (Stn 47 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (701) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 47 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 702 (Stn 47 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (702) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 47 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 703 (Stn 47 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (703) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 47 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 704 (Stn 47 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (704) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 47 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 705 (Stn 47 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (705) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 47 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 706 (Stn 48 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (706) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 48 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 707 (Stn 48 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:27 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (707) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 48 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 708 (Stn 48 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (708) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 48 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 709 (Stn 48 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (709) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 48 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 710 (Stn 48 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (710) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 48 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 711 (Stn 48 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (711) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 48 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 712 (Stn 48 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (712) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 48 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 713 (Stn 48 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (713) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 48 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 714 (Stn 49 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:28 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (714) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 49 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 715 (Stn 49 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (715) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 49 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 716 (Stn 49 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (716) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 49 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 717 (Stn 49 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (717) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 49 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 718 (Stn 49 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (718) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 49 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 719 (Stn 49 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (719) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 49 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 720 (Stn 49 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (720) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 49 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 721 (Stn 49 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:29 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (721) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 49 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 722 (Stn 50 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (722) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 50 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 723 (Stn 50 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (723) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 50 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 724 (Stn 50 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (724) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 50 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 725 (Stn 50 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (725) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 50 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 726 (Stn 50 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (726) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 50 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 727 (Stn 50 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (727) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 50 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 728 (Stn 50 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:30 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (728) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 50 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 729 (Stn 50 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (729) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 50 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 730 (Stn 51 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (730) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 51 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 731 (Stn 51 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (731) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 51 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 732 (Stn 51 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (732) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 51 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 733 (Stn 51 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (733) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 51 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 734 (Stn 51 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (734) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 51 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 735 (Stn 51 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:31 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (735) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 51 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 736 (Stn 51 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (736) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 51 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 737 (Stn 51 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (737) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 51 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 738 (Stn 52 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (738) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 52 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 739 (Stn 52 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (739) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 52 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 740 (Stn 52 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (740) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 52 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 741 (Stn 52 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (741) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 52 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 742 (Stn 52 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (742) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 52 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 743 (Stn 52 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:32 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (743) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 52 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 744 (Stn 52 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (744) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 52 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 745 (Stn 52 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (745) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 52 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 746 (Stn 53 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (746) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 53 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 747 (Stn 53 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (747) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 53 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 748 (Stn 53 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (748) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 53 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 749 (Stn 53 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (749) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 53 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 750 (Stn 53 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:33 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (750) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 53 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 751 (Stn 53 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (751) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 53 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 752 (Stn 53 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (752) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 53 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 753 (Stn 53 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (753) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 53 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 754 (Stn 54 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (754) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 54 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 755 (Stn 54 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (755) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 54 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 756 (Stn 54 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (756) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 54 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 757 (Stn 54 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:34 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (757) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 54 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 758 (Stn 54 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (758) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 54 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 759 (Stn 54 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (759) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 54 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 760 (Stn 54 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (760) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 54 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 761 (Stn 54 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (761) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 54 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 762 (Stn 55 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (762) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 55 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 763 (Stn 55 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (763) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 55 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 764 (Stn 55 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:35 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (764) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 55 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 765 (Stn 55 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (765) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 55 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 766 (Stn 55 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (766) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 55 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 767 (Stn 55 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (767) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 55 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 768 (Stn 55 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (768) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 55 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 769 (Stn 55 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (769) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 55 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 770 (Stn 56 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (770) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 56 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 771 (Stn 56 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:36 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (771) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 56 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 772 (Stn 56 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (772) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 56 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 773 (Stn 56 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (773) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 56 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 774 (Stn 56 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (774) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 56 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 775 (Stn 56 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (775) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 56 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 776 (Stn 56 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (776) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 56 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 777 (Stn 56 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (777) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 56 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 778 (Stn 57 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:37 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (778) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 57 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 779 (Stn 57 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (779) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 57 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 780 (Stn 57 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (780) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 57 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 781 (Stn 57 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (781) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 57 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 782 (Stn 57 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (782) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 57 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 783 (Stn 57 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (783) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 57 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 784 (Stn 57 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (784) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 57 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 785 (Stn 57 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:38 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (785) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 57 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 786 (Stn 58 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (786) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 58 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 787 (Stn 58 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (787) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 58 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 788 (Stn 58 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (788) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 58 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 789 (Stn 58 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (789) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 58 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 790 (Stn 58 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (790) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 58 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 791 (Stn 58 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (791) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 58 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 792 (Stn 58 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:39 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (792) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 58 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 793 (Stn 58 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (793) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 58 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 794 (Stn 59 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (794) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 59 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 795 (Stn 59 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (795) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 59 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 796 (Stn 59 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (796) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 59 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 797 (Stn 59 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (797) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 59 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 798 (Stn 59 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (798) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 59 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 799 (Stn 59 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (799) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 59 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 800 (Stn 59 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:40 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (800) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 59 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 801 (Stn 59 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (801) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 59 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 802 (Stn 60 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (802) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 60 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 803 (Stn 60 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (803) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 60 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 804 (Stn 60 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (804) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 60 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 805 (Stn 60 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (805) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 60 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 806 (Stn 60 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (806) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 60 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 807 (Stn 60 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:41 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (807) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 60 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 808 (Stn 60 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (808) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 60 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 809 (Stn 60 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (809) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 60 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 810 (Stn 61 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (810) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 61 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 811 (Stn 61 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (811) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 61 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 812 (Stn 61 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (812) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 61 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 813 (Stn 61 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (813) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 61 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 814 (Stn 61 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:42 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (814) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 61 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 815 (Stn 61 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (815) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 61 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 816 (Stn 61 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (816) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 61 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 817 (Stn 61 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (817) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 61 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 818 (Stn 62 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (818) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 62 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 819 (Stn 62 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (819) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 62 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 820 (Stn 62 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (820) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 62 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 821 (Stn 62 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:43 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (821) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 62 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 822 (Stn 62 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (822) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 62 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 823 (Stn 62 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (823) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 62 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 824 (Stn 62 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (824) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 62 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 825 (Stn 62 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (825) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 62 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 826 (Stn 63 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (826) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 63 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 827 (Stn 63 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (827) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 63 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 828 (Stn 63 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:44 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (828) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 63 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 829 (Stn 63 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (829) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 63 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 830 (Stn 63 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (830) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 63 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 831 (Stn 63 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (831) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 63 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 832 (Stn 63 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (832) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 63 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 833 (Stn 63 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (833) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 63 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 834 (Stn 64 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (834) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 64 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 835 (Stn 64 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:45 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (835) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 64 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 836 (Stn 64 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (836) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 64 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 837 (Stn 64 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (837) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 64 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 838 (Stn 64 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (838) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 64 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 839 (Stn 64 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (839) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 64 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 840 (Stn 64 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (840) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 64 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 841 (Stn 64 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (841) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 64 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 842 (Stn 65 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:46 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (842) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 65 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 843 (Stn 65 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (843) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 65 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 844 (Stn 65 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (844) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 65 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 845 (Stn 65 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (845) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 65 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 846 (Stn 65 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (846) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 65 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 847 (Stn 65 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (847) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 65 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 848 (Stn 65 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (848) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 65 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 849 (Stn 65 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:47 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (849) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 65 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 850 (Stn 66 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (850) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 66 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 851 (Stn 66 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (851) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 66 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 852 (Stn 66 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (852) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 66 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 853 (Stn 66 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (853) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 66 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 854 (Stn 66 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (854) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 66 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 855 (Stn 66 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (855) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 66 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 856 (Stn 66 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:48 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (856) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 66 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 857 (Stn 66 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (857) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 66 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 858 (Stn 67 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (858) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 67 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 859 (Stn 67 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (859) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 67 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 860 (Stn 67 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (860) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 67 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 861 (Stn 67 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (861) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 67 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 862 (Stn 67 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (862) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 67 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 863 (Stn 67 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:49 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (863) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 67 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 864 (Stn 67 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (864) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 67 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 865 (Stn 67 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (865) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 67 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 866 (Stn 68 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (866) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 68 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 867 (Stn 68 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (867) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 68 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 868 (Stn 68 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (868) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 68 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 869 (Stn 68 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (869) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 68 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 870 (Stn 68 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:50 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (870) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 68 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 871 (Stn 68 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (871) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 68 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 872 (Stn 68 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (872) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 68 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 873 (Stn 68 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (873) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 68 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 874 (Stn 69 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (874) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 69 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 875 (Stn 69 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (875) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 69 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 876 (Stn 69 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (876) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 69 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 877 (Stn 69 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (877) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 69 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 878 (Stn 69 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:51 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (878) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 69 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 879 (Stn 69 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (879) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 69 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 880 (Stn 69 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (880) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 69 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 881 (Stn 69 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (881) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 69 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 882 (Stn 70 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (882) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 70 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 883 (Stn 70 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (883) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 70 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 884 (Stn 70 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (884) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 70 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 885 (Stn 70 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:52 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (885) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 70 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 886 (Stn 70 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (886) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 70 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 887 (Stn 70 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (887) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 70 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 888 (Stn 70 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (888) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 70 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 889 (Stn 70 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (889) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 70 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 890 (Stn 71 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (890) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 71 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 891 (Stn 71 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (891) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 71 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 892 (Stn 71 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:53 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (892) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 71 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 893 (Stn 71 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (893) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 71 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 894 (Stn 71 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (894) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 71 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 895 (Stn 71 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (895) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 71 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 896 (Stn 71 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (896) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 71 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 897 (Stn 71 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (897) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 71 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 898 (Stn 72 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (898) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 72 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 899 (Stn 72 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:54 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (899) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 72 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 900 (Stn 72 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (900) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 72 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 901 (Stn 72 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (901) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 72 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 902 (Stn 72 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (902) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 72 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 903 (Stn 72 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (903) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 72 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 904 (Stn 72 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (904) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 72 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 905 (Stn 72 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (905) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 72 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 906 (Stn 73 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:55 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (906) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 73 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 907 (Stn 73 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (907) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 73 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 908 (Stn 73 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (908) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 73 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 909 (Stn 73 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (909) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 73 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 910 (Stn 73 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (910) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 73 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 911 (Stn 73 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (911) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 73 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 912 (Stn 73 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (912) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 73 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 913 (Stn 73 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:56 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (913) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 73 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 914 (Stn 74 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (914) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 74 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 915 (Stn 74 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (915) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 74 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 916 (Stn 74 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (916) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 74 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 917 (Stn 74 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (917) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 74 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 918 (Stn 74 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (918) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 74 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 919 (Stn 74 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (919) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 74 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 920 (Stn 74 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:57 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (920) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 74 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 921 (Stn 74 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (921) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 74 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 922 (Stn 75 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (922) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 75 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 923 (Stn 75 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (923) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 75 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 924 (Stn 75 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (924) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 75 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 925 (Stn 75 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (925) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 75 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 926 (Stn 75 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (926) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 75 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 927 (Stn 75 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:58 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (927) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 75 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 928 (Stn 75 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (928) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 75 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 929 (Stn 75 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (929) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 75 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 930 (Stn 76 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (930) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 76 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 931 (Stn 76 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (931) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 76 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 932 (Stn 76 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (932) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 76 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 933 (Stn 76 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (933) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 76 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 934 (Stn 76 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:19:59 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (934) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 76 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 935 (Stn 76 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (935) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 76 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 936 (Stn 76 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (936) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 76 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 937 (Stn 76 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (937) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 76 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 938 (Stn 77 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (938) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 77 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 939 (Stn 77 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (939) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 77 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 940 (Stn 77 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (940) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 77 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 941 (Stn 77 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:00 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (941) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 77 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 942 (Stn 77 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (942) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 77 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 943 (Stn 77 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (943) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 77 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 944 (Stn 77 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (944) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 77 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 945 (Stn 77 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (945) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 77 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 946 (Stn 78 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (946) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 78 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 947 (Stn 78 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (947) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 78 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 948 (Stn 78 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (948) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 78 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 949 (Stn 78 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:01 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (949) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 78 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 950 (Stn 78 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (950) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 78 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 951 (Stn 78 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (951) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 78 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 952 (Stn 78 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (952) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 78 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 953 (Stn 78 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (953) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 78 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 954 (Stn 79 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (954) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 79 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 955 (Stn 79 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (955) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 79 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 956 (Stn 79 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:02 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (956) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 79 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 957 (Stn 79 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (957) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 79 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 958 (Stn 79 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (958) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 79 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 959 (Stn 79 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (959) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 79 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 960 (Stn 79 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (960) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 79 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 961 (Stn 79 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (961) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 79 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 962 (Stn 80 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (962) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 80 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 963 (Stn 80 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:03 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (963) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 80 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 964 (Stn 80 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (964) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 80 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 965 (Stn 80 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (965) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 80 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 966 (Stn 80 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (966) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 80 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 967 (Stn 80 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (967) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 80 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 968 (Stn 80 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (968) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 80 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 969 (Stn 80 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (969) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 80 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 970 (Stn 81 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:04 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (970) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 81 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 971 (Stn 81 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (971) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 81 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 972 (Stn 81 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (972) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 81 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 973 (Stn 81 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (973) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 81 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 974 (Stn 81 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (974) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 81 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 975 (Stn 81 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (975) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 81 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 976 (Stn 81 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (976) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 81 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 977 (Stn 81 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:05 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (977) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 81 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 978 (Stn 82 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (978) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 82 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 979 (Stn 82 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (979) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 82 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 980 (Stn 82 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (980) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 82 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 981 (Stn 82 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (981) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 82 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 982 (Stn 82 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (982) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 82 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 983 (Stn 82 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (983) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 82 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 984 (Stn 82 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:06 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (984) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 82 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 985 (Stn 82 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (985) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 82 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 986 (Stn 83 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (986) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 83 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 987 (Stn 83 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (987) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 83 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 988 (Stn 83 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (988) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 83 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 989 (Stn 83 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (989) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 83 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 990 (Stn 83 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:07 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (990) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 83 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 991 (Stn 83 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (991) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 83 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 992 (Stn 83 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (992) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 83 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 993 (Stn 83 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (993) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 83 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 994 (Stn 84 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (994) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 84 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 995 (Stn 84 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (995) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 84 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 996 (Stn 84 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (996) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 84 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 997 (Stn 84 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:08 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (997) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 84 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 998 (Stn 84 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (998) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 84 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 999 (Stn 84 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (999) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 84 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1000 (Stn 84 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1000) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 84 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1001 (Stn 84 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1001) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 84 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1002 (Stn 85 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1002) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 85 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1003 (Stn 85 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1003) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 85 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1004 (Stn 85 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1004) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 85 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1005 (Stn 85 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:09 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1005) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 85 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1006 (Stn 85 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1006) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 85 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1007 (Stn 85 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1007) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 85 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1008 (Stn 85 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1008) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 85 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1009 (Stn 85 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1009) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 85 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1010 (Stn 86 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1010) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 86 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1011 (Stn 86 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1011) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 86 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1012 (Stn 86 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:10 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1012) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 86 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1013 (Stn 86 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1013) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 86 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1014 (Stn 86 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1014) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 86 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1015 (Stn 86 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1015) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 86 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1016 (Stn 86 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1016) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 86 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1017 (Stn 86 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1017) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 86 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1018 (Stn 87 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1018) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 87 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1019 (Stn 87 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:11 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1019) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 87 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1020 (Stn 87 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1020) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 87 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1021 (Stn 87 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1021) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 87 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1022 (Stn 87 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1022) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 87 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1023 (Stn 87 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1023) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 87 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1024 (Stn 87 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1024) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 87 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1025 (Stn 87 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1025) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 87 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1026 (Stn 88 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:12 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1026) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 88 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1027 (Stn 88 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1027) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 88 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1028 (Stn 88 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1028) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 88 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1029 (Stn 88 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1029) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 88 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1030 (Stn 88 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1030) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 88 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1031 (Stn 88 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1031) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 88 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1032 (Stn 88 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1032) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 88 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1033 (Stn 88 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:13 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1033) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 88 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1034 (Stn 89 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1034) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 89 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1035 (Stn 89 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1035) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 89 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1036 (Stn 89 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1036) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 89 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1037 (Stn 89 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1037) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 89 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1038 (Stn 89 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1038) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 89 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1039 (Stn 89 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1039) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 89 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1040 (Stn 89 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:14 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1040) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 89 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1041 (Stn 89 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1041) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 89 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1042 (Stn 90 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1042) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 90 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1043 (Stn 90 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1043) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 90 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1044 (Stn 90 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1044) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 90 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1045 (Stn 90 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1045) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 90 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1046 (Stn 90 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1046) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 90 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1047 (Stn 90 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1047) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 90 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1048 (Stn 90 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:15 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1048) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 90 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1049 (Stn 90 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1049) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 90 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1050 (Stn 91 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1050) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 91 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1051 (Stn 91 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1051) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 91 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1052 (Stn 91 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1052) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 91 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1053 (Stn 91 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1053) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 91 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1054 (Stn 91 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1054) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 91 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1055 (Stn 91 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:16 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1055) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 91 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1056 (Stn 91 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1056) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 91 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1057 (Stn 91 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1057) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 91 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1058 (Stn 92 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1058) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 92 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1059 (Stn 92 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1059) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 92 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1060 (Stn 92 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1060) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 92 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1061 (Stn 92 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1061) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 92 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1062 (Stn 92 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:17 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1062) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 92 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1063 (Stn 92 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1063) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 92 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1064 (Stn 92 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1064) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 92 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1065 (Stn 92 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1065) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 92 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1066 (Stn 93 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1066) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 93 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1067 (Stn 93 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1067) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 93 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1068 (Stn 93 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1068) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 93 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1069 (Stn 93 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:18 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1069) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 93 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1070 (Stn 93 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1070) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 93 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1071 (Stn 93 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1071) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 93 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1072 (Stn 93 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1072) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 93 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1073 (Stn 93 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1073) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 93 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1074 (Stn 94 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1074) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 94 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1075 (Stn 94 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1075) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 94 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1076 (Stn 94 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:19 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1076) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 94 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1077 (Stn 94 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1077) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 94 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1078 (Stn 94 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1078) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 94 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1079 (Stn 94 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1079) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 94 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1080 (Stn 94 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1080) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 94 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1081 (Stn 94 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1081) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 94 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1082 (Stn 95 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1082) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 95 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1083 (Stn 95 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:20 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1083) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 95 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1084 (Stn 95 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1084) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 95 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1085 (Stn 95 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1085) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 95 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1086 (Stn 95 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1086) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 95 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1087 (Stn 95 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1087) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 95 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1088 (Stn 95 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1088) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 95 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1089 (Stn 95 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1089) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 95 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1090 (Stn 96 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1090) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 96 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1091 (Stn 96 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:21 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1091) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 96 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1092 (Stn 96 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1092) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 96 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1093 (Stn 96 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1093) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 96 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1094 (Stn 96 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1094) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 96 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1095 (Stn 96 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1095) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 96 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1096 (Stn 96 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1096) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 96 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1097 (Stn 96 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1097) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 96 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1098 (Stn 97 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:22 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1098) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 97 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1099 (Stn 97 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1099) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 97 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1100 (Stn 97 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1100) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 97 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1101 (Stn 97 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1101) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 97 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1102 (Stn 97 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1102) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 97 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1103 (Stn 97 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1103) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 97 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1104 (Stn 97 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1104) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 97 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1105 (Stn 97 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:23 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1105) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 97 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1106 (Stn 98 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1106) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 98 Flow-Today present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1107 (Stn 98 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1107) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 98 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1108 (Stn 98 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1108) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 98 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1109 (Stn 98 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1109) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 98 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1110 (Stn 98 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1110) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 98 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1111 (Stn 98 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1111) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 98 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1112 (Stn 98 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:24 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1112) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 98 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1113 (Stn 98 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1113) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 98 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1114 (Stn 99 Flow-Today) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1114) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 99 Flow-Today present_value: 3075.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for tod cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1115 (Stn 99 Flow-Yesterday) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1115) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 99 Flow-Yesterday present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding flow total for yes cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1116 (Stn 99 Flow-WTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1116) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 99 Flow-WTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding Week-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1117 (Stn 99 Flow-LastWeek) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1117) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 99 Flow-LastWeek present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 24-bit value holding last week?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1118 (Stn 99 Flow-MTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1118) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 99 Flow-MTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Month-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1119 (Stn 99 Flow-LastMonth) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:25 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1119) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 99 Flow-LastMonth present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last month?s flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1120 (Stn 99 Flow-YTD) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1120) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 99 Flow-YTD present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding Year-To-Date flow cov_increment: 0.000 analog_input: 1121 (Stn 99 Flow-Last year) Last updated: Tue Sep 17 17:20:26 2019 object_identifier: analog_input (1121) object_type: analog_input (0x0) object_name: Stn 99 Flow-Last year present_value: 0.000 status_flags: in_alarm (0), fault (0), overridden (0), out_of_service (0), event_state: normal (0x0) reliability: no_fault_detected (0x0) out_of_service: False units: no_units (0x5F) description: 32-bit value holding last year?s flow t cov_increment: 0.000 FYI #002 - Reading the object list from this device with object index method.